Performance ratings are based on standards that each academic unit has developed, according to agreed-upon written expectations between the faculty member and his/her unit.
Faculty responsibilities (except those on leave)
- Provide written evidence of your performance.
- Use your campus'/college's/school's/unit's standard for reporting scholarly and other activities.
Faculty members who do not follow this process will receive a "below expectations" review and be considered for disciplinary action.
Evaluation process
Once rated on a 5-to-1-point scale, a faculty member may add a response to the rating, confirm he/she has read the rating by signing it and receive a copy of the final evaluation, with his/her supervisor's signature. Once the process is complete, supervisors place performance evaluations in each employee's personnel file, where it can be accessed under the Colorado Open Records Act.
See full details on the performance evaluation process by viewing CU's Performance Ratings for Faculty Administrative Policy Statement.
Performance cycles vary by campus. Visit your campus' website for more information:
July 31
The performance cycle ends
August 1
The performance cycle begins
During the month of August
Supervisors must meet with each employee individually to conduct an evaluation. The Planning and Evaluation form must contain all original signatures and dates.
Send the entire original evaluation to your appropriate HR office. The supervisor and employee should retain a copy for their records.
September 15
Performance evaluations must be received by the appropriate HR office. If a supervisor fails to submit all employee evaluations by this date, he or she may be subject to discipline.
During the month of September
The supervisor must meet with each employee to discuss the performance plan for the period of August 1 - July 31. After obtaining signatures in the planning section, the supervisor must send a copy of the front page of the Planning and Evaluation Form to the appropriate HR office by October 15.
Coaching Sessions
The performance management process also requires that at least one coaching session/progress review meeting occur within the plan year. If only one coaching session is held, it should be scheduled midway through the plan year.