VIII.A Amendments to the Constitution [Click here to see corresponding section of Constitution]
VIII.B Amendments to the Bylaws
- Changes to bylaws found in the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate of the University of Colorado, excluding bylaws found in Section III, require:
- notice of motion to the Faculty Senate;
- approval by a two-thirds majority of those voting at the Faculty Senate meeting following the notice of motion; and
- if necessary, approval by the Board of Regents of required enabling revisions to the Laws of the Regents or Regent Policies.
- Changes to bylaws found in Section III of the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate of the University of Colorado require:
- notice of motion at any regular or special meeting of Faculty Council; and
- approval by a two-thirds majority of those voting at a subsequent regular or special Faculty Council meeting following that at which notice was given and at which a quorum is present.
- Numbering for future additions to these bylaws shall be as follows: identify the relevant article of the Constitution and the relevant section of these Bylaws and add a numbered bylaw. For example: Constitution Article III.A.3.c, Functions of the Faculty Council Executive Committee, has bylaws in Bylaws Section III.A.3.c.1-10. If a new bylaw is required, it shall be numbered Bylaw III.A.3.c.11, unless the new bylaw replaces an existing bylaw (see VIII.B.3).
- Amendments to these bylaws shall replace existing bylaws.