A. In all faculty matters, in the absence of other governing procedures and in conformance to the Laws of the Regents and Regent Policies, Robert's Rules of Order shall be in effect for formally constituted faculty groups. Each such faculty group shall have rules and/or bylaws to govern internal procedures. Up-to-date copies of the rules and/or bylaws must be readily available to all members. Each such faculty group shall maintain a file of the minutes of all of its meetings. Except as they deal with personnel matters and are included in individual personnel files, the written minutes of meetings of the group shall be available to all members of the group. In addition, in the absence of other governing procedures, such formally constituted faculty groups shall observe the following principles:

  1. When such faculty group is voting on an issue, a secret written ballot shall be held if two or more members of the group so request. 
  2. Proxy voting shall not be permitted except as provided in the rules and/or bylaws of the group. 
  3. Such faculty group may call a special meeting of that group by a petititon that sets forth the reason for the meeting. Each faculty group may determine the minimum size of the group needed to call such a meeting.

B. Although the right to participate in faculty governance is open to all faculty and no member of the faculty shall be penalized for such participation, the right to vote shall be accorded only to members of the Faculty Senate. A faculty group may vote (2/3 majority required for passage) to extend voting rights at its meetings to other faculty.