Once you onboard, leverage different channels to continue your eComm education.

STEP 3 | Login, Training & Quiz

After you complete either training option, spend a few minutes taking a short verification quiz to become an official eComm user.


STEP 4 | Continued Education


Communications | We'll keep you in the loop with:

  • eComm News | monthly
  • eComm specialist messages| as needed
  • Updates, Releases & Outages | as needed
  • Audits | quarterly as needed
    • You will be notified when your pre-access requirements have expired or if you login history indicates low-use of the applications. These audits are to ensure eComm's security and fiscal resposnisbility, as agreed upon in the user agreement signed by users and their supervisors. 

Resources | Looking for more information? Start here:

  • eComm Wiki | Search specific tutorials or browse best practices along with tips & tricks on specific applications.
  • eComm Specialist | Partner with your eComm specialist to execute your email and event efforts. They are vital in making sure you have what you need in your account to achieve your goals.
  • Upcoming Events & Webinars | Attend virtual events hosted by eComm, CU, our external partners and vendors or other indudtry leaders to advance your skills.
  • Campus Resources | Checkout specifics to you campus, including processes and timelines along with other offerings (such as access technologies or personell).