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Director's Corner - Winter 2024

Welcome back to another new year with the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities! We are looking forward to great things in 2024. First on our agenda, we are excited to launch the second year of our Technology Translational Research and Development (TTRD) Awards. A total of $250k will be available for University of Colorado (CU) faculty from the four campuses who are working to develop and disseminate technology products that directly aid persons living with cognitive disabilities. We are thrilled to fund innovations in multiple categories such as artificial intelligence (AI), technology for older adults (age tech), and education and workplace supports for persons with cognitive disabilities. A request for proposals has been released on our website.

Looking back at the last few months, we have had some exciting adventures. In January, I attended the annual Consumer Electrics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, where accessibility and technology related to aging were at the forefront of innovation. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) partnered with CES to form the AgeTech Collaborative to showcase the promise of AI for better aging. They highlighted exciting new technologies in five categories –  accessibility, fintech, startups, digital health, and smart home and appliances. Hosting over 20 panels and demonstrations, they focused the CES spotlight on how technology and AI can help older adults live longer, better, and more independently.

Also in January, I attended the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) 2024 conference. Held in Orlando this year, the ATIA conference is the leading community-building and learning event for all things assistive technology (AT). The conference is an inspiring event that connects thousands of AT practitioners, teachers, parents, caregivers, and persons with disabilities to discover new technologies and opportunities. This event is yet another example of the vital role technology is playing in improving the lives of people with disabilities.

One of my current tasks is meeting with the Vice Chancellors of Research at all four CU campuses. Through these meetings, I have been able to talk about the great work and opportunities coming out of the Coleman Institute. These conversations have highlighted a real sense of excitement for research across the four campuses. I am excited to release another year of TTRD Awards and see the innovations that emerge from our CU community.

I am looking forward to another momentous year at the Coleman Institute and making progress in our mission to promote the quality of life of people with cognitive disabilities and their caregivers by catalyzing advances in technology.

Best wishes,


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