November 2024 State Authorization Updates & Information
Just a quick reminder that all three campuses are due to get our SARA Renewal email early next week. I know I sent out the helper text last month but Heather Delange and I gave it another review and made some small changes (in preparation for some of the overhauls we’ll see for next year’s renewal) and wanted to make sure that you had the most up-to-date version!
It’s a very quiet time of year for higher education and for that I am thankful. The supposed updates to TPS regulations & guidance have not appeared which is always suspicious but I’m going to go with maybe the Ed decided it wasn’t worth it with a new administration coming in and the angry letter from Rep. Foxx. Regardless this could be a good sign?
And finally, before we all run off to play in the snow and cook all the food in the house, this will likely be my last email update for you all… because an amazing student intern working with system has spent some time over the last few months turning this all into a blog! All the past emails have been edited and are in the process of being put up and in the future, you will be able to subscribe to future updates and information. I’ll still be reaching out to everyone directly when there are important and time sensitive issues or matters, but this blog/subscription format will give us all a better way to stay up to date with everything going on and make it easier to share outside of CU if we need or want to. It also means you get to decide if you want to keep hearing from me on these topics and issues.
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