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November State Authorization Email Updates & Information

it's almost time!

NC-SARA renewal time!

And there have been some changes! Of course there have been....

There is a *new* form for renewals. In fact, renewals and applying institutions now use the same form - you can find it here:

Attached is an overview of the the old and new things we’re responsible for in the renewal application. Please pay close attention to the new information around Catastrophic Event Processes that we’re being asked about. This is somewhat new, but likely something many of us haven’t put much thought to in the past. As always if you have any questions when you’re completing the form or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. We typically get out alert from NC-SARA the last week in November/first week in December.

And now some plugs -

The WCET-SAN Coordinator Annual Mee*ng is scheduled for Tuesday 11/30 @12pm! This year’s annual meeting will have sessions on the state of the network and current events, emerging compliance issues and table talks on various topics. I’m super excited that we’ve been able to pair up with a former colleague of mind who is a Senior Institutional Review Specialist at the Department of Education and another of his colleagues at the ED to provide us their perspective on compliance with state authorization regulations. As a reminder, our compliance with state authorization
and the professional licensure disclosure requirements is also reviewed when we have a Title IV review by the ED. State Authorization Coordinators are encouraged to bring a +1 to this event - I’ve invited the compliance specialist in the Financial Aid office at Boulder to join me!

And on December 1, I’ll be presenting as a part of the WCET & SAN Virtual Member Policy Series on Regular and Substantive Interaction. I’ll be talking about the new federal regulations (effective 7/1/21) surrounding required interactions in the digital classroom and how to satisfy those requirements, what the Department of Education means by “regular and substantive” interactions, learn how to satisfy those requirements, and discover how to find evidence of compliance with the new regulations (again, I’m available for all your higher education cocktail parties).

Have a great weekend everyone!!


Erika G. Swain
Interim Assistant Director for State Authorization
Office of Academic Affairs
University of Colorado System
Assistant Director for Compliance and Authorization
Office of Data Analytics | Office of Institutional Research
University of Colorado Boulder
o: (303) 735-8184
c: (518) 637-9785