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October 2020 (p.I)

Good afternoon everyone and Happy October!

It’s time to start thinking about our NC-SARA renewals.

Each campus’ NC-SARA representative will receive an email from NC-SARA approximately 90 days before the end of our participation agreement (between 11/23-12/4 for each campus, I believe)
indicating that it is time to begin our renewal applications. You will have thirty (30) days from the receipt of the email from NC-SARA to complete your renewal application and submit it to our State Portal Entity, Heather Delange at CDHE. Ms. Delange and I discussed some of the changes we will be expected to speak to, or possibly provide evidence of, this year in our renewals. Highlights from that conversation, along with a timeline for the renewal process, can be found in the attached document.

Your Provost (or Chancellor, if that has been the history on your campus) will need to initial and sign different parts of the renewal application. If possible, I recommend scheduling a quick meeting with them to review the form so they understand what they’re agreeing to on behalf of the University, and how these issues and actions impact the University as a whole. This is an also excellent opportunity to convey the importance of complying with the reciprocity agreement and associated federal regulations, especially for those who have had difficulty getting your University’s State Authorization and licensure needs heard/met.

Please reach out with any questions or if you need any assistance in pulling together information for this renewal application.

Have a great rest of the week!


Erika G. Swain
Interim Assistant Director for State Authorization
Office of Academic Affairs
University of Colorado System
Assistant Director for Compliance and Authorization
Office of Data Analytics | Office of Institutional Research
University of Colorado Boulder