The goal of our brand architecture is to support a strong University of Colorado visual identity with strong campus identities.
The University of Colorado seal and signatures provide for consistency, coordination and synergy in how we represent ourselves. Every communication we create is an opportunity to tell our audiences who we are as a university, the unique things we do to fulfill our mission and why we are important to our stakeholders. One of these signatures should appear on all materials.
The official seal of the University of Colorado is used on official university documents such as diplomas, decrees and official transcripts. Use of the official seal rests with the secretary of the university and the Board of Regents.
The University of Colorado system signature is used by the president’s office.
Each campus uses its own signature. The architecture specifies how the campus identities relate to one another and provides a structure for the creation of new campus signatures in the future.
Additional details are available in the brand identity standards for each campus.