March 18, 2020

CU names finalists for Denver campus chancellor

Michelle Marks

Michelle Marks

University of Colorado President Mark Kennedy today named two finalists for the position of chancellor of the CU Denver campus.

 Keith Whitfield

Keith Whitfield

They are Michelle Marks, vice president for academic innovation and new ventures at George Mason University, and Keith Whitfield, provost at Wayne State University.

“I’m pleased to have such experienced and accomplished leaders under consideration to be our next great chancellor of CU Denver,” Kennedy said. “We had great interest in the position and our search committee did an excellent job with this critical task, then helped narrow a slate of strong candidates to our finalists.”

Given the extraordinary circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 situation, Kennedy and campus governance group leaders agreed to conduct virtual open forums and meetings with the candidates and campus constituents. (Editor’s Note: Links to open forums are available by request to media; we ask to not post or publish them to reduce volume and the risk of technical problems.)

The virtual forum for Whitfield is noon-1 p.m. Thursday, March 19. The virtual forum for Marks is noon-1 p.m. Friday, March 20.

The next chancellor will replace Dorothy Horrell, who announced in the fall she intends to retire after nearly five years leading CU Denver.

For more information contact: Ken McConnellogue 303.815.8481 or