March 21, 2013

The University of Colorado Advocacy Day at the State Capitol

March 16, 2012, 7:30 a.m. - noon
Contact: Michele McKinney, 303.507.3110 cell or
What: The University of Colorado is hosting its annual Advocacy Day at the State Capitol, an event that draws about 200 advocates of CU’s campuses. There will be a morning network reception for participants and legislators, followed by recognition on both the House and Senate floors. Participants will hear from elected officials and university leaders about the state's economic outlook, funding scenarios for higher education, the legislative process and tools and tactics to be an advocate for CU.
Who: Presentations from: Lieutenant Governor Joe Garcia, CU President Bruce Benson, members of the CU Board of Regents and other university officials. Attendees: members of the CU Advocates program launched last fall, as well as alumni, donors, students, parents, faculty and staff.
Why: CU is building a network of supporters who are educated about the challenges and opportunities facing the university and the state. Advocacy Day spotlights the university’s priorities and energizes the CU community to get more involved in spreading the word about CU’s value and contributions to the state and beyond.
Interview and photo opportunities:
Lt. Gov. Garcia
CU Regents
CU President Bruce Benson
CU campus leadership: Phil DiStefano (chancellor, CU-Boulder), Jerry Wartgow (chancellor CU Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus), Don Elliman (incoming interim chancellor for CU Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus), Pam Shockley-Zalabak, (CU Colorado Springs), and Lilly Marks, (executive vice chancellor, CU Anschutz Medical Campus)
Costume mascots: CU-Boulder’s Chip and UCCS’ Clyde (morning reception and House and Senate chambers)
Abbreviated Agenda
     Choir: CU Denver’s 9th Street Singers under the direction of Dr. Erin Hackel, Rotunda
7:30 – 8:30
     Legislative and Advocacy Networking Reception, Old Supreme Court Chambers, 2nd floor, North end
      Program:  Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia, President Benson and CU Regents
8:40 – 9:00
     Participants move to House/Senate Chambers
9:00 – 10:00
     CU Recognition in House and Senate Chambers
     Advocacy Day program resumes, Old Supreme Court Chambers on the 2nd floor. Legislative Process, Grassroots Advocacy and Higher Ed Financing, Old Supreme Court Chambers. Featuring: Henry Sobanet - Director, Governor’s Office of State Planning & Budget and Frank Waterous - Senior Policy Analyst, Bell Policy Center
     Group CU Advocates Photo