March 9, 2020

An update about our strategic planning process

Leaning Into the Future, CU’s strategic planning process, is roughly halfway to completion, as the effort that began in early summer 2019 moves toward a July presentation to the Board of Regents and implementation expected in the fall.

The strategic plan is a systemwide effort, and the outcome will not take the place of existing or forthcoming strategic plans at each of the four campuses. Engagement with campus constituents has been ongoing, as we have encouraged students, faculty and staff to take part in the shaping of the strategic plan. Their input has been significant.

Working groups have been formed for the Leaning Into the Future strategic planning process to address the charge for each of the nine areas of strategic focus within the plan’s four broad pillars. Each working group has co-chairs and campus leads. You can share input and feedback with each group via email.

Working groups recently completed key metrics and goals for each of the strategic focus areas. Soon, the groups will propose three to five prioritized action steps by focus area. The fiscal feasibility team will estimate costs later in April.

Members of the CU community will continue to play a key role in the development of the systemwide strategic plan. Make your voice heard by engaging via the email links posted here and follow our progress at the strategic planning website.