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MOOC: Content

  • Content is accessible 24/7
  • Media is open source
  • Learners are encouraged to share and contribute materials
  • Modules are 5 to 10 minutes
  • Content is edited when needed

Traditional Online Course: Content

  • Often material os only available one week at a time
  • Media is restricted by the university
  • Students search within an institution's library database
  • Modules are 45 to 60
  • Content is edited by semester

MOOC: Delivery

  • Lectures are pre-recorded
  • All content is available from the start
  • Self-paced / customized learning path
  • Feedback is dependent on classmates
  • Course is open-ended with no due dates

Traditional Online Courses: Delivery

  • Often include live lectures
  • Content is often locked until it is completed by the student
  • Group learns at the same pace / linear learning path
  • Feedback is dependent on teacher
  • Course is closed ended with due dates

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