
Use abbreviations for Ave., Blvd. and St. with numbered addresses. Spell out and capitalize them when referencing a formal street name without a number.

  • Examples: She lives at 123 Main St. The building is on Grant Street between 18th and 19th avenues.

When referencing two street names without a numbered address, spell out the type of street but do not capitalize it.

  • Example: 14th and Lawrence streets

Abbreviate compass points when used with a number address. Spell out compass points in other uses.

  • Examples: He works at 4321 E. Main St. He drove down East Main Street.

Always use figures for an address number.

Spell out and capitalize First through Ninth when used as street names. Use figures and two letters for 10th and above.

  • Examples: 4200 E. Ninth Ave. or 13120 E. 19th Ave.

Use capital letters and periods with no space when abbreviating post office box (P.O. Box).

Campus Addresses

Spell out building names.

When referencing a specific room, write the building name followed by a comma and the room number.

  • Example: Old Main, Room 316

Telephone Numbers

Use dashes, not periods. Do not put parenthesis around the area code.

  • Examples: 303-315-3716, 202-456-1111

The “1” is not necessary when writing long-distance or toll-free telephone numbers.