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FW: SAN Network : SAN Breaking News! U.S. Department of Education Rulemaking Update!

Hi everyone – 

This just in: The Department of Education (ED) has taken the final step in implementing regulations and sent all remaining proposals to the Office of Management and Budget/Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Proposed regulations related to state authorization, professional licensure, and other areas will be acted upon by November 1 (assuming no federal shutdown), which means these regulations will have a “live” date of July 1, 2024. 

We don’t yet know if they might reconsider based on significant opposition (I wouldn’t bet on those odds) or if any edits will be incorporated, or if the regulations will be enacted as proposed in May. 

What this means for us right now: Review what we've covered over the past few months, including where your students are located, how you use "unable to determine" status, how students are notified about professional licensure exams (relevance of education provided, cost of attendance, etc.), and what steps to take if we are unable to recruit students for certain programs in certain states. Additionally, if you're offering an online program, consider whether you’ll be able to continue offering it in certain states. 

If these regulations are released as-is, I’ll work with both campuses to understand the broader impacts and help leadership prepare for necessary changes. 

As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!