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November 2020

Happy November everyone! It may be cold, but hey, at least the fires are under control.

Still working to review your programs and decide what could potentially lead to licensure? WCET-SAN has put together a wonderful resource for us all - compiling a list of all the state and territories governmental offices that dictate what professions in their states/territories that require licensure:

While not every state or territory has a set list of professions that require licensing in their state, if you’re still struggling to identify what programs your University offers that falls under the 7/1/20 federal rules, this is a great resource.

Addittinally, some professions have national associations that collect lists of the various state licensing boards:

Keep in mind that webpages and licensing requirements may be constantly updating - make sure that your process indicates how and when you will be updating your own information in order to stay on top of compliance with these regulations.

WCET-SAN also has some excellent resources (attached) on Professional Licensure Notifications that helps put this all in a “nutshell."

  • Professional Licensure Notifications in a Nutshell
  • Notifications in a Nutshell FAQ
  • Professional Licensure, additional Resources

I have also attached a not yet released resource that will be published in the WCET-MIX space in the coming week(s) - examples of licensure disclosures. A few of us working with a SAN-Special Interest Team pulled together some examples of direct and indirect disclosures institutions (CU-Boulder among them) are using in regard to professional licensure.

I also wanted to take one more opportunity to remind you that the NC-SARA renewal period will be opening for all of us soon. For those of you who are responsible for filing that information, keep your eyes on your email the end of this month/beginning of December for the information from NC-SARA on the process. I’ll be meeting with Lori Williams, President of NC-SARA, later this week. If you have any questions that you would like me to ask, please be sure to email me before then end of business, Thursday.

Have a great rest of your week!


Erika G. Swain
Interim Assistant Director for State Authorization
Office of Academic Affairs
University of Colorado System
Assistant Director for Compliance and Authorization
Office of Data Analytics | Office of Institutional Research
University of Colorado Boulder
o: (303) 735-8184
c: (518) 637-9785