APS #5056


University Employment Postings

Brief Description

Sets forth the requirements for posting new and vacant positions.

Reason for Policy

The intention of this policy is to define the posting process for university positions. The provisions of this University Employment Postings policy are intended to implement the Colorado Equal Pay for Equal Work Act.

Policy Profile

APS Policy Title: 
University Employment Postings
APS Number: 
Effective Date: 
January 1, 2024
Approved By: 
President Todd Saliman
Responsible University Officer: 
Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Responsible Office: 
Office of Employee Services
Policy Contact: 
Office of Employee Services
University Employment Postings, January 1, 2021
Last Reviewed/Updated date: 
January 1, 2024
Applies to: 
All Campuses

I. Introduction

All recruitment and employment activities at the University of Colorado are conducted in accordance with applicable university, state, and federal laws, regulations, and policies concerning equal employment opportunity and affirmative action.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University of Colorado will attract and retain the most highly qualified workforce available. It is our intention to make known information about employment opportunities at the university to the largest practicable number of persons necessary to ensure compliance with the law, attraction of new employees, and recognition and development of current employees.

II. Policy Statement

  1. All vacant or new university positions must be posted in accordance with applicable federal and state law, and university policy, unless the position falls within one of the exceptions set forth below:
    1. Automatic Promotion Within One Year of Hire.  No posting is required at the time of promotion if the university has made a written representation (whether in an offer letter, pursuant to an agreement, or applicable policy) that the university will automatically consider the employee for the promotional appointment within one year based solely on their own performance and/or the university’s needs.
    2. Temporary, Acting, or Interim Hire.  No posting is required where the appointment is made on a temporary, acting, or interim basis for up to six months, and not expected to become a regular position.
    3. Confidential Searches.  To the extent allowed by applicable law, posting is not required in confidential situations where the incumbent employee is not yet aware of their impending separation from the university.
  2. The recruitment process on each campus must be conducted in accordance with relevant campus and system policies and procedures, including campus or system administration affirmative action plans.
  3. The posting requirement may be satisfied by posting positions online, including required posting information such as:
    1. the rate or range of compensation;
    2. a general description of any bonuses, commissions, or other compensation;
    3. a general description of or online link to all benefits which must include health care, retirement benefits, paid days off, and any tax-reportable benefits. Minor perks need not be included; and
    4. the date that the application window will close or for the end of a priority period.
  4. This policy applies to all full- and part-time vacant and new positions, including faculty, university staff, and student positions.  Classified staff positions are required to follow State of Colorado Personnel Board Rules and Procedures and Partnership Agreement requirements.

III. Interpretation

Subject to the president's authority to interpret university policies, the chief human resources officer and associate vice president of employee services shall provide interpretive guidance for this policy.

IV. History

  •  Adopted:  January 1, 2018.
  • Revised:  Review and non-substantial changes made effective February 12, 2018; April 28, 2022, revised for changes related to the Equal Pay Act and made retroactive to January 1, 2021; January 1, 2024.
  • Last Reviewed:  January 1, 2024.