APS #7009
Protection of Children Participating in University-Run and University-Contracted Programs for Children
Outlines the campuses’ responsibilities to protect children while they are participating in programs for children on campus.
To clarify expectations and outline campus requirements to provide for the protection of children who are participating in programs for children.
The University of Colorado offers many educational, cultural, service learning, volunteer, athletic and other programs specifically for children. Operating programs for childrenPrograms for ChildrenSee Section III. Definitions creates obligations for the campus to protect children. Campuses also have an obligation to design and operate their programs for children in compliance with state and federal law as well as this policy and related procedures.
- Primary Responsibilities
When operating programs for childrenPrograms for ChildrenSee Section III. Definitions, the university’s primary responsibility is to protect the health and safety of participating childrenChildrenSee Section III. Definitions. Any program for children is subject to all of the University of Colorado rules, policies and compliance obligations, and to state and federal law.
This administrative policy statement (APS) applies to all university-operated and university-contracted programs for children and to all unaffiliated program operatorsUnaffiliated Program OperatorsSee Section III. Definitions. - Campus Policy and Approval Process
- Each campus shall adopt a policy to govern the protection of children on campus1. Such campus policy shall:
- Designate a campus administrator(s) who is responsible for tracking and reviewing programs for children and/or contracts with unaffiliated program operators;
- Require campus program operatorsProgram OperatorsSee Section III. Definitions to provide the designated campus administrator(s) sufficient information to inform campus administrators of the children’s participation in a program for children. Such information shall include, at a minimum, the nature of the program, the program’s date and location, and the approximate number and age of participating children;
- Provide campus protocols for the protection of the children participating in programs for children as well as forms governing registration and operation;
- Require each program operator to follow the written campus protocols for the protection of children and adopt campus forms governing registration and operation. Alternatively, program operators may adopt their own such protocols and forms to the extent a campus form does not exist or is not appropriate for the program for children;
- Describe reporting requirements for employees who suspect that a child participating in a program for children is being abused or neglectedAbused or NeglectedSee Section III. Definitions. University employees who are mandatory reporters under Colorado law (see C.R.S. § 19-3-304) shall report pursuant to the provisions in that law. Any reporting requirements described by campus policy are separate and distinct from other reporting requirements employees may have under other applicable university or campus policies, federal or state law, or any other source of authority;
- Require any program operator to comply with the established relevant campus background check policy;
- Include a reference to University Risk Management website’s resources regarding minor participants and camp activities insurance;
- Require program operators to include terms in their agreements with unaffiliated program operators which protect the children participating in the program for children. At a minimum, the unaffiliated program operators are required to follow the campus policy for the protection of children; and
- Require program operators to include terms in their agreements with unaffiliated program operators which protect the university. If applicable, at minimum, the unaffiliated program operator must agree to provide insurance and indemnification as outlined in APS 7001- Insurance and Indemnification Requirements for Use of Facilities by Non-University Groups, to comply with this APS and the campus’s child protection policy, and to submit to a compliance audit if requested by the campus or program operator.
- Each campus shall submit any changes to its campus policy to the Office of Policy and Efficiency. The Office of Policy and Efficiency, with advice from the Office of University Counsel and Risk Management, shall review changes to each campus policy to ensure that it complies with the requirements of this APS. Changes to campus policies shall be reviewed for compliance with the APS in conjunction with periodic review of this APS.
- Each campus shall adopt a policy to govern the protection of children on campus1. Such campus policy shall:
Italicized terms used in this Administrative Policy Statement (APS) are defined in the APS Glossary of Terms or are defined in this section.
- Abuse and/or neglect: Abuse includes a non-accidental physical, sexual, or emotional injury to a child that is caused by the acts or omissions of another person. Neglect includes the failure of the child’s guardian to prevent abuse and/or take action to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision. See C.R.S. § 19-1-103.
- Child or children: individuals under the age of 18, who are not current students.
- Program for children: a university program operated exclusively or primarily for children left in university care without parent or guardian supervision and that requires registration. Any child care center operated on campus pursuant to C.R.S. §§ 26-6-101 to -121 complies with state laws and regulations applicable to a child care center and is excluded from this policy. These laws and regulations exceed the standards set forth in this policy.
- Program operator: a university unit that operates a program for children or that contracts with an unaffiliated program operator to operate a program for children.
- Unaffiliated program operator: a third party who enters into an agreement with the University to operate its own program for children using university facilities
- Administrative Policy Statements (APS) and Other Guidelines
- Related Campus Policies
- CU Boulder- Child Protection Policy
- CU Colorado Springs
- CU Denver
- CU Anschutz Medical Campus
- Policy adopted October 4, 2017.
- Updated on July 16, 2018, to strike language for the original campus policy deadline, add links to the approved campus policies, and reference the records retention policy.
- 1. Should a system organizational unit wish to pursue a university program for children, it must adopt a process for approval of the Program for Children that substantially complies with the requirements of Section II.B.