APS #8006
Acceptance of Credit for Prior Learning
This policy provides the standards for awarding credit to students who have earned an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma, completed individual IB or Advanced Placement (AP) exams or students with military experience.
To comply with CRS 23-1-113.2 (per HB 03-1108), CRS 23-1-145 (per HB 17-1004), and Colorado Higher Education Commission policy I.X.
I. Introduction
In 2003, the Colorado legislature passed and the governor approved HB 03-1108 requiring institutions to award a minimum number of credits to a student who has earned an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma and achieved a minimum score on each related exam. The legislation is codified in CRS 23-1-113.2.
In 2016, the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) adopted policy I.X, which requires institutions to award credit for individual IB exams and select Advance Placement (AP) exams if a student achieves a minimum score.
In 2017, the Colorado legislature passed and the governor approved HB 17-1004, which requires each public institution of higher education to have a policy for awarding credit for college-level learning acquired while in the military. The legislation is codified in CRS 23-1-145.
This administrative policy statement addresses the requirements of state statute and CCHE policy.
II. Policy Statement
- Credit for International Baccalaureate Diplomas
In accordance with CRS 23-1-113.2, any student admitted to a University of Colorado campus after June 30, 2003, who has graduated from high school with an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma shall be granted a minimum of 24 semester hours of college credit. No tuition will be charged for these credits. These credits must be granted, however, only if the student receives a score of 4 or better on all examinations administered as part of the IB diploma program.
- Credit for International Baccalaureate Courses and Advanced Placement Exams
Per CCHE policy, institutions must apply credit to the appropriate GT Pathways category for a minimum score of 4 on select IB exams and a minimum score of 3 on select AP exams. GT Pathways credit is guaranteed to transfer between Colorado public higher education institutions.
- International Baccalaureate Courses
Schools and colleges shall grant GT Pathways credit for individual IB courses for which a student has received a minimum score of 4 on the corresponding SL or HL exam, even if a student has not earned an IB diploma. At least three credits shall apply to the appropriate GT pathways content area. A list of exams that have been approved for GT pathways credit is provided by CCHE at http://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/Transfers/GetCredit.html.
- Advanced Placement Exams
If a student has earned a minimum score of 3 on an Advanced Placement (AP) exam, institutions shall apply at least three credits to the appropriate GT Pathways content area. In the case of AP science exams, if there is a verified laboratory experience that is discipline specific to the AP exam or advanced high school course taken, then at least four credit hours shall apply to the GT-SC1 category. A list of exams that have been approved for GT pathways credit is provided by CCHE at http://highered.colorado.gov/Academics/Transfers/GetCredit.html.
- International Baccalaureate Courses
- Credit for Military Training or Experience
- Campuses must use the recommendations issued by the American Council on Education, among other factors, to evaluate college-level learning acquired by a student while in the military, as reflected on the Joint Services Transcript. Appropriate credit shall be assigned at the discretion of the campus.
- Campus shall provide guidance to military students and student veterans in selecting a program of study and in optimizing the use of credit for prior learning.
- Tuition shall not be charged for credits awarded for prior learning, however a reasonable fee may be charged for the prior learning assessment.
III. Related Policies
IV. History
- Acceptance of First-time Freshmen Students Who Have Successfully Completed an International Baccalaureate Diploma Program – December 5, 2003 (Initial Policy).
- Revised and Renamed, January 7, 2010.
- Reviewed and non-substantive changes made January 20, 2015.
- Acceptance of Credit from International Baccalaureate Diploma Programs – January 7, 2010, revised and renamed effective August 1, 2017.