The policy writer toolbox provides information on the CU administrative policy process, useful resources and forms, and templates for creating, revising or eliminating policies, including:

  • Process flowchart
  • Guide to writing policies
  • Style guide
  • Forms and templates

Administrative Policy Process

The APS Process Flowchart outlines the key stakeholders, phases and responsible parties involved with the Administrative Policy Statements (APSs) process for initiation, development, approval, implementation and maintenance of the APSs issued by the Office of the President. The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) is responsible for the administrative policy process. Key templates used in the process include:

Guide to Writing an Administrative Policy

Before developing a new administrative policy, read the User Guide to Writing Policies, which will help you plan your policy and fill out the template. Quick links to reference materials:

Planning the Policy Actions

Once the new administrative policy or revision is ready for development, download and complete the Justification Template. Use the Policy Template for new administrative policies or download the latest versions of existing administrative policies in Word format for editing. Links and forms for the initial policy development process:

Policy Rollout

Once the policy is approved, it will be finalized and posted online. In addition, OPE will communicate the changes to the university community via the CU Connections and the OPE Policy Blog. 

Maintaining the Policy

OPE will update each functional area during the policy kickoff meetings regarding the policies in your area that are due or getting close to due for review.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Policies

1. What are the definitions of a Regent Law, Regent Policy, Administrative Policy Statements, policies and procedures?

  • The Laws of the Regents are the highest source of authority within the University of Colorado, establish how the University of Colorado is organized and governed, and are binding upon the Regents of the University of Colorado and the university community. 
  • Regent policies are enacted by the Regents of the University of Colorado to operationalize the Laws of the Regents, direct the operation of functions for which the Board of Regents retains ultimate responsibility, and delegate authority to officers of the university and the administration.
  • Universitywide administrative policy statements (APS) are enacted by the president of the university in accordance with defined processes to provide operational requirements to the entire university community and delegate authority to officers of the university and the administration.
  • Universitywide procedure statements include detailed information on rules and how to complete specific tasks within functional areas including, but not limited to, finance, procurement, human resources, risk management and university relations.

2. What are universitywide administrative policies?

Universitywide administrative policy statements (APS) are enacted by the president of the university in accordance with defined processes to provide operational requirements to the entire university community and delegate authority to officers of the university and the administration (commonly known as Administrative Policy Statements or APSs).

3. How do I find a policy?

University policies may be found at  Quicklinks are provided on the home page to:

  1. Search Policies,
  2. View list of APSs by A-Z,
  3. View list of APSs by functional area (e.g., financial, human resources).

There is also a link to Policy Related Resources in the menu under "Policy Search" that has links to major university-related policy sources (i.e., regent laws and policies, APSs, campus and system administration policies, governance, CU service center procedures,  handbooks, and external policy links).

For assistance, contact the Office of Policy and Efficiency at 303-860-5711 or

4. What is the Standard University Policy format?

The standard university policy format is a format developed by the Office of Policy and Efficiency that defines the various optional and mandatory parts of a policy. All administrative policy statements (APSs) will be written using this format. You can view the template by clicking HERE.

5. How do I know if a policy was recently updated?

The Office of Policy and Efficiency website provides a list of:

  • Policies under review
  • Latest APS changes
  • OPE Policy Blog (latest policy news)

For assistance, contact the Office of Policy and Efficiency at 303-860-5711 or

6. What is the role of the Office of Policy and Efficiency?

The Office of Policy and Efficiency oversees the president’s universitywide administrative policymaking process; facilitates the development, review, approval and maintenance of universitywide administrative policy statements (APSs); and acts as the official repository and point-of-contact regarding APSs.  OPE also supports the formal review of regent laws and policies.

7. Who do I contact with policy questions?

Each APS will list a responsible office and policy contact. For general policy questions, contact the Office of Policy and Efficiency at:

8. If I think a policy is incorrect, out-of-date or obsolete, who should I contact?

Office of Policy and Efficiency

9. How will I know if a policy changes?

The Office of Policy and Efficiency website provides:

  • Policies under review
  • Latest policy changes

OPE also issues news briefs and updates to the university community via:

  • CU Connections
  • OPE Policy Blog

For assistance, contact the Office of Policy and Efficiency at 303-860-5711 or email

10. Do I follow the campus or system policies?

If applicable, follow both. Campus policies should adhere to system policies but may add campus-specific requirements to the broader system policy. A universitywide policy framework and hierarchy is provided in Article 1.C of the Laws of the Regents - click here.

For questions or information related to rescinded policies, please contact the Office of Policy and Efficiency at


APS Number

Date Rescinded

Accounting for and Deposit of Funds for Non-Government Gifts, Grants and Contracts 4046 11/1/2005
Administrative Program Review 4031 1/31/2007
Administrative Service Recharge 4003 1/7/2010
Adopting Standards and Best Practices for the Acquisition and Deployment of Technology and Ancillary Support Infrastructure 1027 10/31/2006
Annual Merit Adjustments for Faculty 5027 7/20/2012
APS Dictionary 2012 7/1/2009
Association Dues 4047 6/1/2006
Automobile Allowances for University Employees 2013 7/1/2006
Auxiliary and Self-Funded Revenues 4020 1/17/2013
Background Checks for Security-Sensitive Positions and for Officers and All Individuals Hired in Tenured and Tenure-Track Positions 5028 7/1/2009
Benefits Advisory Board to the President 5025 10/31/2013
Cash Control 4002 1/1/2012
Classified Research Policy Statement as Adopted by the BOR and Administrative Guidelines for Implementation 1035 9/24/2007
Compensation Principles and Processes for Officersand Exempt Professionals 5029 7/1/2009
Complimentary Tickets and Related Expenses 4010 1/1/2012
Control over Transfer of funds to University Departments from the CU Foundation 4048 6/1/2006
Controller Function Decentralization 4001 1/1/2011
Copying Computer Software 6008 7/1/2007
Decentralization of Continuing Education Activities 1028 10/31/2006
Delegation of Authority to Chancellors to Adopt or Approve Campus By-Laws, Rules, Regulations & Guidelines 2014 7/1/2009
Delegation of Authority to Chancellors to Execute Certain Contracts 4033 7/1/2009
Delegation of Personnel Authority for Employees Exempt from the State Personnel System 5020 8/1/2017
Designation of retention rights for Classified Staff 5043 7/21/2005
Direct Spending from a Foundation on Behalf of the University 4017 1/6/2015
Distribution of Treasury Pooled Investment Earnings 4034 10/31/2006
Eligibility of Retired Officers & Other Exempt Personnel for University Health & Life & Insurance Programs 5030 7/1/2009
Employee Cost Saving Incentive Program 4057 8/11/2011
Establishment of University Graphics Standards Board 2015 7/1/2009
Expense Allowances and Business Expense Reimbursement 4035 12/1/2007
Facilities Space Inventory 3001 7/1/2010
Faculty Access to Services & Resources of All Libraries within the CU System 1029 7/1/2009
Faculty Recruitment and Hiring 5005 7/1/2020
Faculty Retirement Planning 1030 6/1/2008
Family Medical Leave for Faculty and Unclassified Staff 5044 7/21/2005
Financing Property Acquisitions 4049 10/16/2006
Format for Proposed Real Estate Transactions Concerning Property Acquisitions Submitted to Board of Regents 4036 1/31/2007
Format for Real Estate Transactions Concerning Property Disposition Submitted to Board of Regents 4037 1/31/2007
Funding Inter-Campus and Off-Campus Educational Telecommunications 4038 1/31/2007
Gift in Kind Transactions 4021 7/1/2011
Gift Revenues 4008 1/1/2011
Gift, Grant and Endowment Income Distribution Policies 4039 10/31/2006
Guidelines for the Separation of Multi-campus Schools and Colleges 1004 7/1/2014
Guidelines for Use of Outside Consultant when Payment is Made from Funds at the University of Colorado Foundation, Inc. 4050 1/15/2004
Guidelines for Use of Outside Consultants when Payment is Made from Funds at the University of Colorado Foundation 4040 12/1/2006
Guidelines on Retirement - Classified Staff 5031 10/31/2006
Honoraria 4023 7/20/2012
Implementation of Regent Actions Pertaining to Terms of Appointment & Review & Evaluation of Administrative Officers 5032 7/1/2009
Implementation of Regent Policies on Tenure 1031 7/1/2007
Implementation of Risk Management Procedures for Use of University- and State- owned Vehicles 7004 8/15/2007
Indirect Cost Recoveries 2011 7/1/2010
In-State Tuition Ststus for Students that are Honorably Discharged from the Military 8007 7/20/2012
In-State Tuition Ststus for Students that Move to Colorado as the Result of an Economic Development Incentive 8008 7/20/2012
Intercampus Implementation of Regents' Policy on Employees with Delinquent Financial Obligations 5006 1/1/2011
Interfund and Intrafund Borrowing 4051 7/21/2003
IT Resource User Responsibilities 6004 3/1/2011
IT Security in Personnel Job Descriptions, Responsibilities and Training 6003 3/1/2011
IT Security in University Operations, Continuity and Contracting 6006 3/1/2011
IT Service Provider Security 6007 3/1/2011
Justification for Appointment with Tenure (Outside Hire with Tenure) 1018 7/1/2020
Leave for Faculty Serving in Elected Office 5063 1/1/2021
Leave Sharing for Officers, Exempt Professionals & Faculty on Twelve-month Appointments 5017 7/1/2010
Leave Sharing for Permanent State Classified Staff 5010 7/1/2010
Leave Sharing for University Staff, Faculty on Twelve-month Appointments and Classified Staff 5049 4/2/2020
Maintaining Security for Cash and Other Portable Property within the University 4052 4/1/2008
Mentoring for Tenure-Track and Tenure-Eligible Faculty 1021 7/1/2020
Military Leave Policy for All Exempt Employees including Faculty 5033 7/1/2009
Moving Expense Reimbursement 4053 8/25/2004
Paid Administrative Leave for University Staff and Faculty on Twelve-Month Appointments 5021 4/2/2020
Parental Leave Benefits for Faculty and Staff 5019 4/2/2020
Payroll - Mandatory Direct Deposit 5018 1/17/2013
Personnel Actions Submitted to the Board of Regents 5045 7/21/2005
Phased Retirement Programs for Faculty 5046 6/6/2007
Political Expenses 4025 7/1/2010
Political Participation by Members of the University Community  2016 8/14/2008
Post Tenure Review 1003 7/1/2014
Presidential Review of Faculty Personnel Decisions 5007 1/1/2011
Procedure for Intercampus Notification of Program Initiatives or Changes 1032 10/31/2006
Procedures for COBRA Administration 5034 3/3/2009
Procedures for IRCA Administration 5035 3/20/2007
Procedures for Making Acting Appointments to Administrative Positions 5047 7/1/2005
Procedures for New Degree Program Proposals 1036 11/9/2007
Procedures for Offering Instructional Programs Outside the State of Colorado 1033 7/1/2009
Procedures for Written Standards & Criteria for Pre-Tenure Faculty 1034 7/1/2009
Procedures to Ensure Integrity of Appointment and Salary Approvals for Administrative Officers and Unclassified Staff 5036 7/1/2006
Professional Plan for Faculty; The 1011 7/1/2014
Program Discontinuance When No Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Face Dismissal 1010 4/9/2015
Proposals for Decentralizing Graduate Programs 1001 7/1/2010
Providing Employment Assistance to Members of Dual Career Couples 2017 7/1/2009
Provision of Auxiliary Aids to Handicapped Students 8009 8/14/2008
Regents Scholarship Program 8001 1/7/2010
Reimbursement for Work Done on Behalf of a University of Colorado Supporting Foundation 4019 1/6/2015
Reimbursement of University Cost Associated with Responding to Public Inquiries 4009 1/7/2010
Requirement for Prior Approval of Professional Services Contracts 2019 7/1/2009
Restricted, Proprietary and Classified Research 1023 1/1/2018
Revenue Definition and Recognition 4007 1/17/2013
Review of New Degree Programs at Other State Institutions 1037 4/1/2004
Roles and Responsibilities of Department Chairs 1026 7/1/2020
Roll forward of Appropriations – Year End 4042 1/31/2007
Search Policies and Procedures for Select Officers 5048 7/21/2005
Selecting Architects & Engineers for Planning, Design & Construction Projects, Procedures for 3003 7/1/2010
Self-Insurance Fund - Loss Payout Guidelines 4054 10/18/2004
Silver and Gold Record 2020 7/1/2009
Social Security Card Verification 5037 7/1/2009
Student Orientation Programs 8010 10/31/2006
Student Rights to Privacy of Education Records 8011 5/1/2007
Tax Identification Numbers, IRS Form W-9 5038 12/1/2007
Tax Treatment of Complimentary Tickets and Related Expenses to Employees and Non-Employees 4055 10/31/2006
Tenure Policies for Librarians, Implementation of 1002 1/1/2011
The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988  7005 8/14/2008
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act 7006 8/14/2008
The Use of the "Administrative Hardship Clause" under the State Fiscal Rules 4043 10/31/2006
Treatment of Personnel Files for Purposes of Colorado Open Records Act 5039 7/1/2007
University Policies on PERA "Buy-Back" Option 4044 7/1/2007
University Policies on TIAA/CREF Long-Term Disability Insurance Eligibility  5040 3/3/2009
University-Sponsored Fundraising Events 4026 7/1/2011
University-wide Faculty Personnel Review Procedures 5004 1/1/2011
Updating of Financial Management Systems Users' Reference Manual 4045 12/1/2006
Use of University-Owned Automobiles 7007 8/15/2007
Vacation Policies for Unclassified Personnel 5041 7/1/2009
Verification of Vacation & Sick Leave Accrual for University Personnel 5042 7/1/2009