Cvent Quarterly Updates [1]
Cvent rolls out updates every quarter. Find a summary of updates that directly impact eComm, along with a link to release notes from Cvent [3].
Release Notes | Product News [3]
Spring 2025
Event Website, Event Management, Post Event
Event Website
- Auto-Save Site Designer: The new background auto-save feature [4] saves your work as a draft after 5 seconds of inactivity so you don't lose edits in Site Designer.
- Media Library Refresh: The Media Library [5] in the Admin area received a visual and workflow refresh [6], allowing users to browse and manage their media in a modern, intuitive interface, search across assets and folders in a centralized area, and view in Grid or List view based on their personal preference.
- Badge Pickup Information Widget: The new confirmation page widget shows badge collection locations, ensuring smooth check-in for on-site QR code registrants.
Event Management
- Undo Session Cancellation: If you need to re-open a session that was cancelled [7], you can do so within 24 hours after cancelling the session.
- Audience Segments - Dynamic Segments: Dynamic Segments [8] streamlines attendee management with planner-defined, automated, and rule-based attendee assignments. This saves planners time and effort while ensuring precise control over who is in each segment.
Attendee Hub and OnArrival Solutions
Attendee Hub
- Sign-Up Events: Sign-Up Events [9] allows attendees to instantly create an account and access event content in Attendee Hub without pre-registration, giving planners flexible control over event access.
- Enhanced Custom Pages: New Custom Page sub-components [10] enable planners to create engaging content with text, images, videos, documents, galleries, and external links, enhancing attendee interaction.
- Audience Segmentation - Sessions: Audience Segments for Sessions [11] in Attendee Hub offer tailored session visibility, simplifying agenda management and session assignments with bulk actions.
- Homepage Visual Refresh: The web homepage has been redesigned with a fresh look, featuring updated sections for featured content, Happening Now/Up Next, and more.
Fall 2024
Event Website, Event Management, Post Event
Event Website
- AI Writing Assistant Update: The tool leverages event information and asks interactive questions to generate more relevant content. It is currently available for session descriptions, event descriptions, and email templates.
- Website Layouts for Event Website: Planners can use pre-built, customizable sections [12] as building blocks for event websites, adding content and media by category to create polished sites quickly and efficiently.
Event Management
- New Registration Setup Page: The Registration Overview page [13] is the new home screen for registration, offering guided workflows, a quick view of key elements, access to advanced setup pages, and tools for testing and launching events.
- Embeddable Agenda Widget on External Website: Planners can promote their event by embedding the Agenda on their website [14], outside of Cvent's platform, to attract visitors and boost registration conversion rates.
Post Event
- Build Custom Reports: Build your own custom reports [15] from scratch.
- Streamlined Survey Creation Workflow: A centralized workflow [16] for creating event and non-event surveys, while considering relevant survey permissions, making it easier for planners to design surveys [17] that meet their needs.
- Recurring Reminder Emails for Event Feedback: Planners now have the ability to schedule reminder emails for event feedback [18] and set the intervals at which they should be sent.
Attendee Hub and OnArrival Solutions
Attendee Hub
- Icons & Typography: There are four new icon packs (100 icons each) for Web and App experiences, with icons that can be swapped individually. Plus, you can apply custom fonts to Attendee Hub Web (app coming soon) for greater branding flexibility and control [19], making it easy to create a consistent brand experience.
- Discussions Experience Improvements: Simplified reactions and commenting, enhanced focus on images, and profile photos displayed on posts.
- Home Page Refresh: Updated home page design [20] to help highlight your content.
- OnArrival - Attendee Hub Notification Center: Ability to send notifications to Attendee Hub and Event App from OnArrival [21]. These notifications can be scheduled, or sent immediately to target the right audience.
Summer 2024
Event Website, Event Management, Post Event
Event Website
- Registration Timeout: Attendees will now be informed 5 minutes before their registration session ends and be given the choice to extend it. The new timeout modal is designed to ensure that all attendees have the time they need to complete their registration, increasing registration conversions.
- Hover State Styling for Buttons: Add custom hover state styling to the buttons on your event websites to enhance the look and feel of your site. Hover states are available for all buttons on the event website and registration site designer. They are not currently available for emails or surveys.
Event Management
- Session Name Character Limit: The character limit has increased from 100 to 500 characters for session titles.
- Multi-Page Invoices: Planners can now produce invoices that span multiple pages [22]. This update provides increased flexibility and streamlines the workflow for managing invoices exceeding a single page.
- Registration Insights: Registration Insights is a new page that provides deep insights into registration metrics and the overall registration process from a comprehensive dashboard with filterable widgets. To view the Registration Insights dashboard, navigate to Registration > Registration Overview within your event.
- Registration Insights - Compare Event: The new Compare event feature [23] in Registration Insights offers a side-by-side view of event registration performance comparing up to 3 events across multiple years. You can easily download the results as a PDF. This feature saves time, improves decision-making, and simplifies stakeholder communication.
- Auto-Attach Calendar Item to Registration Confirmation Email: For low-stakes events with no fees, travel, or credits, organizers often see a drop-off between registration and attendance. Attendees register easily but may forget to attend. You now have the option to add a calendar attachment [24] to the registration confirmation email. This feature is available for events only, not individual sessions.
Post Event
- Assessment Invitation Post-Event Email: The Assessment Invitation post-event email has been enhanced to include a scoring field making it easier for planners to distribute certificates based on assessment scores.
Attendee Hub and OnArrival Solutions
Attendee Hub
- Branding & Theming - Icons & Typography: Choose from built-in icon packs and fonts or upload custom ones for more flexibility and control. This aims to offer you high-level control while keeping it simple for a quick and consistent brand experience.
- My Schedule - List View: There are now two different ways to view "My Schedule". Attendees have the option to view their schedule in either a calendar or list format, ensuring that their upcoming sessions are accessible in their preferred view.
- Home Page Header Options: Choose between two header options with the event icon and title or without the event icon and title.
- New User Permissions: Control who has access to the launch, design, and event privacy actions and areas Attendee Hub.
- On Arrival Badge Designer: OnArrival Badge Designer is Cvent’s next-generation tool for creating on-demand name badges. It offers a more intuitive interface, faster workflows, and supports more data tags. Plus, it includes a built-in Preview function for accurate printing previews.
Spring 2024
Event Registration, Surveys, Access Portal
- New Quick Search Feature in Cvent: Planners require efficient event navigation solutions. Event Quick Search [25] now allows organizers to search from any page within an event for Sessions, Speakers, Attendees, Discounts, and more, enabling quicker task completion. In the future, Event Quick Search will evolve to allow for like-term searching (For example: "Tickets" in place of Admission Items or "Attendee Type" in place of "Registration Type"), searching for settings, and actionable opportunities from search.
Event Registration
- Lock Fields in Registration: Event administrators can now lock fields on the registration form [26] to ensure that event builders do not miss collecting critical information during registration. This includes contact fields, registration questions, and custom widgets.
Access Portal
- Access Portal User Group Pages: Several performance and usability improvements to Access Portal User Groups that Portal Managers use to manage group membership. This improved page will streamline the process for Portal Managers to add and remove users within these AP User Groups, as well as make it easier to view those Access Portals where the AP User Group has been added as a guest.
- Access Portal Reports for Portal Managers: Two standard reports are available for Access Portal managers. The Email History report allows verification of emails sent to guests, including timing and delivery status. The Login History report assists in troubleshooting and verifying user login times, and also measures portal adoption within an organization.
Custom Widgets
- With permissions for Custom Widgets, account users can upload files with code (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in Admin to create and manage custom widgets for their account that can be reused across events and solve for unique use cases. (Permissions are required for the user to do this)
- Users can now add UTM parameters in Cvent for Cvent Event Weblinks for traceability and visibility. Edit existing Weblinks or create new ones to add UTM parameters manually or via copying/pasting a query string.
- Updated the look of the Weblinks page for a better user experience.
- Answer Import: Planners using Event & Assessment Surveys for evaluation can now import answers to the questions on behalf of attendees. Allows planners to add attendees' answers if they have submitted responses in physical format or through a 3rd party application.
Access Portal Report Templates
- New Admin Reports Available for Access Portal: Login Audit Report tracks Access Portal user's login frequency and timing. Email History Report provides data on outgoing Access Portal emails.
Attendee Hub, Onsite Solutions
Attendee Hub
- Redesign & Added Attendee Fields: Deeper control over home page layout for planners. Increased visibility of quick links. Added My Schedule list view. Added profile fields for attendees including pronouns and long-form bio.
- Pre-Filtered Sessions & Session Catalog: Pre-filtered lists will allow you to create a layer of navigation within your session catalog to help attendees discover sessions. These sections can be pre-defined based on attributes like tags, custom fields, and locations. Introducing a new view from the sessions list, designed to facilitate quick skimming through the catalog while still displaying the provided information to aid in making informed choices. Categories, custom fields, tags, and recommended sessions will all be displayed up front. Expanded video options in the event app to provide more engaging experiences
- Added Session Guide to simplify complex agendas.
- Redesigned the All Sessions list. Easier to read, full session name visible, and the ability for the attendee to quickly add sessions to their schedule.
OnArrival / Onsite Solutions
- OnArrival Overview Screen Redesign: A visual refresh of planner-facing screens, including an updated navigation bar, has been released for OnArrival. This redesign brings UI changes to the iOS OnArrival app, allowing users to accomplish actions onsite more efficiently.
- Mobile Self-Registration Onsite: Planners now have the ability to create unique onsite QR codes [27] for walk-in attendees to scan upon arriving at your event. This allows them to register, check-in, and print their badge directly to OnArrival from their own device. Custom messaging available for OnArrival Android matches the OnArrival iOS feature released earlier in 2023.
- OnArrival Badge Designer allows planners the ability to add background images for badges.