HCM background check fields now editable [1]
When hiring (or rehiring) an employee, HCM includes a variety of templates to input crucial information for the hiring process, including a field to input information on necessary background checks for that position. Previously, the background check field wasn’t editable on hiring templates, appearing as a “display only” field. It is now editable on all templates.
The background check field allows users to input an effective date for each relevant check type. This field has also been updated to offer two new background check categories — fingerprinting and sex offender checks — in addition to the current financial, criminal and motor vehicle records checks.
These changes will reduce the need for users to navigate to Modify a Person to update background check information to the employee’s Personal Data after the hiring process is complete. However, the “Excluded Parties List SYS (EPLS)” and “Other Background Check” options are still only available in Personal Data.