It’s time to set goals for university staff, prepare for classified staff evaluations [1]
The performance cycle for university staff has ended and the classified staff performance cycle ends March 31.
Ensure you set goals for your university staff by the end of March and prepare for classified staff evaluations by reviewing important deadlines and learning resources below.
Mark your calendar for the following deadlines
April 1: The performance cycle begins and classified staff must be evaluated before April 30.
May 1: All evaluations must be turned into your campus human resources office. In May, meet with classified staff to discuss goals for the year. Not sure where to start? Use our goal setting resources [3].
June 1: Submit a copy of the performance plan’s front page to your campus human resources office.
Note: Procedures differ by campus. Please reach out to the CU Boulder [4], CU Denver [5], UCCS [6] or System [7] human resources offices for campus-specific performance management information.
Prepare with performance management resources
To begin preparing for evaluations, use the Skillsoft and resources below.
Access the resources
To access Skillsoft and, follow these steps:
- Log into your campus portal [25].
- Open the CU Resources Home dropdown menu and select Training.
- Choose the Skillsoft or tile.

- Once you click on a tile, the system you chose will open in a new tab or browser window. If you need assistance, please see the resources below.
Skillsoft help [27] help [28]