CU-Data All-Day Report Developer Training March 19, 2020 (Zoom Only) [1]
CU-Data Developers,
Please join us for an all-day training session on Cognos Reporting (formerly Report Studio). This training will be focused on getting report developeres who are new to CU-Data/Cognos the tools, information, and fundamentals necessary to start building basic reports. In this training, we will demonstrate how you can access data through queries and packages and how this information can then be presented as lists, crosstabs, or visualizations. We will also learn more about the Cognos Connection and various properties associated with all aspects of Cognos Report. Please sign up for the course on Skillsoft (session ID ilt_a00150-0018). The course will be offered in the second floor training room, but virtual attendees will be welcome to attend as well. The virtual classroom information will be send out to everyone who signs up through Skillsoft.
Best Wishes,
Aron Sage
Business Intelligence Analyst
University Information Services
University of Colorado
1800 Grant Street, Suite 317A
Denver, CO 80203
t 303 860 6216 [3]
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CU-Data All-Day Report Developer Training March 19, 2020 (Zoom Only)
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