Drills for current actuals [1]
We're planning to add drill links for the current actuals in m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY. Let us know what you think by commenting on this blog post.
Since the very first version of m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY we have provided a drill on the fiscal-year-to-date actuals. This was the drill we heard would be the most important. But If you've been reviewing your transactions all year long, this drill keeps giving you transactions you've already reviewed. You can do reset prompts and run to adjust the from period, but we know that many users don't do this. It's not an intuitively obvious maneuver and besides, it's just normal human nature to start reading the data once it is presented. So we plan to make the current column drillable. It will show only those transactions comprising the current amount. Let us know if you like this idea.

m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY current data