Ten Year Runs [1]
Some programs need to total amounts across multiple fiscal years. This can happen when a program is set up as a companion to a project, or for an auxiliary program such as 62048029 — SOM-DEAN CTR STUDIES CLIN EX that acts as a service center for clients external to CU.
What m-Fin offers for this today:
- run m-Fin REVENUE AND EXPENDIURE SUMMARY once for each needed fiscal year.
The Cognos blue triangle Run button eases the hassle of doing this, but it is still a one-fy-at-a-time solution. I often call it the rerun button. It is located above the m-Fin logo on the output page.
- run m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL spanning multiple fiscal years.
This is running slow right now – some runs take ten minutes. I am pursuing a change with the UIS database administrators that I hope will help. Yes it is detail but you get it all in one run, with a total at the bottom (and a few of you really do want every line of detail anyway). If your needs are such that you can request just the revenue range of accounts, that can help improve the speed by reducing the quantity of data returned.
The m-Fin of the future:

We’ll create a report that shows totals across multiple fy’s. We know some people will continue to need detail runs, but a summary report showing revenues, expenditures, and transfers by fy’s or by months will be good for seeing trends, and will run faster for speedtypes having a great deal of detail.