Changes to systemwide administrative policy statements, effective January 1, 2025 [1]
The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) announces updates to the following administrative policy statements from the Administrative/General, Finance, and Employee Services areas:
- 2001-Commencement Exercise Responsibilities [3]
This policy was due for review and minor changes were made. In addition, a link to future commencement schedules was added to the policy.
- 2003-External Audit Notification and Reporting [4]
This policy was due for the periodic review. The revisions were proposed based on the collaborative work by the university’s Associate Vice President for Internal Audit and system and campus controllers and other fiscal staff.
- 5055-HIPAA Hybrid Entity Designation [5]
This policy and the designated healthcare components for each campus were due for review and have been updated.
- 5062-Leave [6]
Employee Services made minor additions to the policy sections for Leave Without Pay (Section 9) and Parental Leave (Section 11) for clarification purposes.- Section 9: Leave Without Pay – requiring the exhaustion of all applicable accrued leave before leave without pay is granted.
- Section 11: Parental Leave – allowing CU Parental Leave to be used to care for birthing parent (6-8 weeks after birth) in addition to bonding with the child.
These revisions are effective January 1, 2025.
For more detailed information, go to [7]. For additional information on systemwide APSs, go to: [8].