Elevate: FIN Upgrade - You Can Learn a Lot in Less Than a Minute [1]

These quick flicks show actual screens from the PeopleSoft system and demonstrate new functions and options … typically in under 60 seconds.
Currently in our How-To video library:
- General Ledger WorkCenter [3]
- Worklist [4]
- Adding Attachments [5]
- Viewing Attachments [6]
- Viewing Attachments from a Worklist [7]
- Keyword Search [8]
- Menu Search [9]
- Disabling Autocomplete [10]
Do you have a video topic request for us?
Campus departments have recently asked us to make videos on how to digitize attachments (and avoid all that printing and scanning) ... and how to approve Journals. We're working on these now.
If there's something you would like to see in a FIN 9.2 How-To video, let us know [11]!
Questions? Contact the Finance & Procurement Help Desk [12].
Follow us on Twitter
The FinPro Help Desk is tweeting about Elevate: FIN. Follow them at https://twitter.com/FinProHelp [13]
Visit the Website
Learn about the upcoming Finance System upgrade. Visit the Elevate: FIN Upgrade website [14].
Give Us Feedback
Help us improve your business processes as we upgrade our PeopleSoft Finance System. Give us some feedback [11].