Webinars on FAMLI, FMLA and Parental Leave available in coming months [1]
This year, the university’s Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) [3] introduced a significant new benefit for eligible CU employees. This benefit offers paid leave in addition to existing federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) job protections and CU’s Parental Leave benefit.
The interplay of these leave programs, the process for applying and requirements to document these types of leave present a steep learning curve for everyone involved. Over the next six months, the Employee Services Leave Team is hosting a series of virtual information sessions for distinct audiences — supervisors and employees — focused on learning more about these three leave programs.
Register for an upcoming session
Because each of these sessions are focused on a specific audience, with prepared information relevant only to that specific audience, the Leave Team asks that participants register only for the session(s) for which they have questions or desire more information. They will not have the bandwidth to answer questions that are not applicable to the intended audience.
If you would like to understand the program from multiple perspectives (for example, as an employee who may need to take such a leave of absence and as a supervisor responsible for reviewing the requests of your direct reports), please register for each session type that interests you.
Supervisor sessions
Employee sessions
Review existing resources
In addition to the virtual information sessions, the Employee Services website offers several resources to help employees and supervisors understand and navigate these leave of absence programs.
The Work/Life blog has published a series of informational articles on the FAMLI program [8] and its features, including the recent introduction of the Employee Self Service (ESS) portal. Additionally, the FAMLI, FML and Parental Leave [3] information page features PDF guides, on-demand video courses, FAQs and more.