Petty Cash/Change Fund Request (PCCF) [1]
The OUC has reengineered the finance forms pages to improve user experience by enhancing page design and content. Learn more here [3].
Frequently Asked Questions
A: The Custodian's signature is required. Someone in a position of authority for your department needs to provide the Organizational Unit Authorizing Signature; this might be the head of your department or other person.
Approval is then required from the campus controller's (finance) office and (depending on fund) from sponsored projects or other office. When the PCCF form is fully signed/approved: submit PCCF and a Payment Authorization form to the Procurement Service Center at [4].
Q: How do I get the funds -- by direct deposit or by check?
A: The Payment Authorization (PA) form is made payable to the designated custodian (e.g., John Doe, Petty Cash Custodian), at the organizational unit address, using Account ChartField 000200 (Petty Cash) or 000300 (Change Fund). The PSC sends a warrant (check) to the custodian, and the custodian cashes the warrant at the campus bursar's office.
Q: Are there related resources on how/when to use this form?
A: Yes! See the Finance Procedural Statement Petty Cash and Change Funds [5] for additional details.