W-9 Substitute (Signed by CU) [1]
Refer to these instructions if an external entity wants to purchase goods or services from CU and asks your organizational unit to fill out a specialized W-9 form for CU.
Your org unit should begin by providing the standard W-9 (Signed by CU [2]). If the entity purchasing goods or services from your org unit states that they require a specialized W-9 form to be completed by CU:
- You can fill out the substitute W-9 form. You must enter certain key pieces of information as described below.
- Your campus controller's office can sign the substitute W-9 form.
Key Information on a Substitute W-9 Form:
- For Vendor Name - Provide the legal name of the University: "The Regents of the University of Colorado."
- For Federal Tax Classification - Check 'Other' and indicate "State Institution of Higher Learning."
- For Exemptions information - Identify Exempt Payee Code of "3" and FATCA Reporting Code of "C."
- For Address - You can include your org unit's name, along with address.
- For Tax ID Number (also referred to as Federal Employer Identification Number or FEIN) - Provide the University's FEIN: "84-6000555."
- For Payment Method (e.g., pay by check), Primary Contact Person, where to send payment, and other information requested - Work with your campus controller’s office to determine how to complete these fields, if present.
Campus Controller's Office Contacts:
- CU Boulder – fiscalcompliance@colorado.edu [3]
- UCCS – acctfinc@uccs.edu [4]
- CU Denver I Anschutz Medical Campus – Finance.AccountingHelp@ucdenver.edu [5]
- CU System Administration - oucpba@cu.edu [6]