Stay on Track with Fiscal Year-End Tasks and Deadlines [1]
June 27, 2024
The end of the current fiscal year is rapidly approaching.
Stay on track with the help of the FY 2024 Year-End Calendar [2].
- The year-end calendar sets forth the tasks that must be performed as the University wraps up the fiscal year -- in particular, the tasks related to the closes and the audit.
- The Excel version of the calendar is published on the OUC’s website so all employees are aware of critical tasks and deadlines. (FYE Calendar Team Members also have access to the OnBase version of the calendar).
Be aware of campus-specific fiscal year-end requirements.
- Your campus fiscal year-end websites continue as a key source of guidance for closing out FY 2024.
- We have added links to these websites to our FY 2024 Year-End Processing and Deadlines [3] webpage - look under the Town Hall/FYE Website section.
Reach out to [4] -- or to your campus contacts as identified in the above links.