Official Functions: Your Feedback! [1]
October 27, 2023
In the fall semester, departments often begin planning a variety of events for the new academic year.
If you're planning events with meals or snacks, you'll want to review the Finance Procedural Statement (formerly PSC Procedural Statement) Official Functions [2]. These procedures provide definitions of the most common types of official functions that may allow the purchase of food and beverage, as well as guidance on dollar thresholds, approval requirements, and the use of the Official Function form.
As you review the Finance Procedural Statement, you may have questions. There are several ways to get answers:
- Scroll to the bottom of the Official Functions procedures [2]and click the toggle "Have a question or feedback?" Submit the form -- and the OUC's Financial Services & Solutions (FSS Help) team will follow up with you.
- Email [3] and describe your event/question.
- Email your campus fiscal compliance team (see specific email addresses on the OUC's Campus Controllers' Offices [4] website) and describe your event/question.
And remember: Even if you don't have a specific event under consideration, you can always use the Question/Feedback form to share general questions and suggestions to improve the official function business process.
We look forward to hearing from you!