Planning Tools for CU FAMLI Leave [1]
Use these tools to estimate your FAMLI leave.
FAMLI estimated benefits
FAMLI coverage will only offer a percentage of an employee’s full wages, based on their weekly wage rate. Although FAMLI leave only offers partial wage replacementWage Replacement BenefitThe weekly benefit amount paid to the employee taking FAMLI leave [2], other CU leave types may be used to supplement FAMLI and compensate an employee’s full wagesWagesThe amount of money paid to an employee for their work, including tips, excluding any amount paid for sick or disability leave, pensions or cafeteria plans. [3]. This includes sick leave, vacation leave, paid parental leave and short-term disability.
See the table below for a broad view of how this is calculated based on sample weekly wage rates.
Weekly Wage | Weekly Benefit | Maximum Annual Benefit | Percent of Weekly Wage |
$500 | $450 | $5,400 | 90% |
$1,000 | $794 | $9,531 | 79% |
$1,500 | $1,044 | $12,531 | 70% |
$2,000 | $1,294 | $15,531 | 65% |
$3,000 | $1,324 | $15,890 | 44% |
CU FAMLI supplemental leave calculators
These calculators can assist payroll liaisons and Human Resources contacts with estimating FAMLI supplemental leave amounts for employees. CU FAMLI offers a percentage of an employee’s full wages, based on their average weekly wage rate over the past 4 of 5 quarters worked at CU, while they are on FAMLI leave. The employee may supplement their FAMLI benefit with other CU leave types (sick, vacation, paid parental leave, comp time, etc.) to compensate up to the employee’s current full wages.
Important considerations
- These calculators produce estimates of FAMLI wage replacement benefits and FAMLI supplemental leave amounts based on the employee’s current pay rate in job data. The employee’s actual benefit and supplemental leave amount may be more or less than what is shown on the calculator because it is based on average wages over the past 4 of 5 quarters worked at CU.
- These calculators are meant to assist payroll liaisons and Human Resources contacts and employees with planning out an employee’s leave schedule and pay while on leave. The employee will be provided with their FAMLI supplemental leave rate and FAMLI benefit when working with their Employee Services Leave Case Manager at the time that their leave is taken.
- The maximum amount of weekly FAMLI wage replacement benefits that can be provided to an employee is $1,324.21, as of Jan. 1, 2025.
- The portion of an employee’s average weekly wage that is equal to or less than 50% of the state average weekly wage will be replaced at a rate of 90%.
- The portion of an employee’s average weekly wage that is more than 50% of the state average weekly wage will be replaced at a rate of 50%.
Monthly employees
- Calculator [4]
Biweekly employees
- Calculator [5]
Contract employees
- Calculator [6]