W-2 [1]
Learn how to access and read your W-2, what to do if you haven’t received one and more.
Active employees: View and download your W-2
Each year, your W-2 is mailed by Jan. 31 to the mailing address you have on file on Dec. 20. The form can also be accessed digitally shortly after it’s mailed. Follow these steps to view yours:
- Log into my.cu.edu [2].
- Select the CU Resources tab. (CU System employees will skip this step.)
- Select the top left CU Resources Home dropdown menu, then select My Info and Pay.
- Click the W-2 tile. The form contains personal information, so you must verify your identity [3] to access it.
- Select the Year End Form button to view your W-2.
Didn't receive your W-2?
Current employees: Access your W-2 in the employee portal using the instructions below. Please do not submit a W-2 Reissue Request Form [4].
Former employees: Access your W-2 via the ADP portal. See ADP portal instructions [5].
Student employees: Recipients of stipends (scholarship, fellowships and grants) are expected to self-report amounts, if taxable, regardless of whether they are reported on a W-2.
Request a new W-2
If you need to request a new W-2, submit a W-2 Reissue Request Form [4]. Before submitting a request, please read the information below.
Current employees
You can quickly access a digital version of your W-2 in the employee portal:
- Log into my.cu.edu [6].
- Select the CU Resources tab. (CU System employees will skip this step.)
- Select the CU Resources Home dropdown menu at the top, then select My Info and Pay.
- Click the W-2 tile. Since your W-2 contains personal information, you must verify your identity [3] to access it.
Former employees
The last three years of W-2s are provided in the ADP Portal. Please call Employee Services at 303-860-4200, option 2 for instructions.
For older W-2 forms, please submit a W-2 Reissue Request Form. [7]
Working retirees
As a working retiree, you have two W-2s in the employee portal. One for CU and one for CUR. If you send your W-2s to the IRS, do not send the two separate W-2s. Instead, send the W-2 with the combined CU and CUR information that was sent to your mailing address.
Only see two versions in the portal? Contact Employee Services at 303-860-4200, option 2 for instructions on accessing the combined W-2 in the ADP portal.
How to read your W-2
Click the circles on the image below and we’ll walk you through what each section means. Note: Turn off your popup blocker to view the hotspot.