Homeland Security and Cybersecurity Specialization [1]

About This Specialization
Homeland security is about safeguarding the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction. Cybersecurity has emerged as a priority homeland security concern because a coordinated cyber attack against critical infrastructure could result in the worst catastrophe in the nation’s history. This specialization examines the cybersecurity problem, and takes a close look at what is being done to safeguard the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction by cyber attack. At the conclusion of this course, we hope learners grasp the central message that cybersecurity is essential to critical infrastructure protection, which is essential to homeland security, which is about safeguarding the United States from domestic catastrophic destruction.

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Designed to help you practice and apply the skills you learn.

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Projects Overview
Each course includes a corresponding learner's project. The projects are designed to assist learner's with developing and implementing a cybersecurity policy framework at their place of work. The project assignments are graded assessments. Learners must earn 100% on the projects to successfully complete this specialization.
For More Information or to Enroll [2]
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