Thomas Jefferson Award [1]
Eligible nominees include full-time CU tenured, tenure track faculty, instructional, research, and clinical faculty, full-time CU students, and full-time CU staff. Self-nominations are not allowed, and previous winners are not eligible to be nominated.
Award Criteria
Nominations must demonstrate how the nominee’s achievements reflect superior performance in their normal work or scholarship and notable participation in humanitarian activities. Ideal candidates advance the ideals of Thomas Jefferson, including:
- broad interests in literature, arts and sciences, and public affairs;
- a strong concern for the advancement of higher education;
- a deeply seated sense of individual civic responsibility; and
- a profound commitment to the welfare and rights of the individual.
Nomination Requirements
Any member of the university community may submit a nomination. The nomination packet is limited to 30 pages (not including résumé or cv) and must include:
- a cover letter that addresses the award criteria, especially the service performed outside of the normal course of the nominee’s duties;
- at least three, but no more than five, supporting letters from multiple constituencies – e.g., colleagues; departmental, school/college, and campus leaders; and community leaders;
- the nominee’s current curriculum vitae or résumé.
Selection Process
A system-wide advisory committee comprised of past award recipients from each campus will review the nominations and submit its recommendation to the President. Award notices will be sent by March 31st.
Award Amount
A one-time payment of $2,000 and an engraved plaque for each recipient. A reception in honor of the recipients will take place after the award notification.
Nomination Submission