Procurement [1]

— Non-PO Payments
— International Payments
— Cancelling/Reissuing Payments
— Commercial Card Program
Learn more [6]
All purchases must be made in accordance with University of Colorado Procurement Rules [7] as well as any other applicable authority to ensure accountability to the public and fairness to the supplier. Any person employed by the University of Colorado who purchases goods and services, or is involved in the procurement process, for the University, is bound by the Procurement Code of Ethics [8]. The goal of Procurement is to assist you in efficiently obtaining the best value for every dollar, while complying with applicable rules.
The University of Colorado, as a public institution of higher education of the State of Colorado, is exempt from all federal excise taxes and from all Colorado State and local government sales and use taxes.
A commitment voucher (CU Marketplace Purchase Order or Procurement Card) is required to purchase an item from a supplier unless an exception applies under CU’s Fiscal Procedures [9].
University of Colorado Procurement Thresholds
$10,000.01 - $49,999.99: All goods and services between $10,000.01 and $49,999.00 are processed at the discretion of the Purchasing Agent.
$50,000 - $150,000: All goods and services between $50,000 - $150,000 regardless of funding type require:
- Completion of the Source Selection & Price Reasonableness section of the Purchase Requisition form
- Price information from at least two suppliers - one from the supplier you are ordering from and the other from a competitor. The price information can be screenshots from two websites or quotes provided from the suppliers.
The requirement to obtain two quotes and complete the Source Selection & Price Reasonableness form will be waived if the purchase is made against an existing CU bid/contract or a cooperative contract, is for a Sole Source item [10], or is an emergency procurement.
$150,000 - $499,999: The threshold for a solicitation issued by the Procurement Service Center (PSC) will be $150,000 for goods and services. Construction solicitations are issued by campus Facilities Departments. Purchases of goods, services, and construction costing more than $150,000 require that competition be sought via the informal process known as a Documented Quote.
$500,000 and Over: For purchases of goods and services costing $500,000 or more, competition is sought via either an Invitation for Bid or a Request for Proposal. Construction solicitations are issued by campus Facilities Departments.
The University of Colorado posts its solicitations using an electronic solicitation notification system, currently through BidNet [11].
Purchases Under a Federal Contract or Grant
- Certifications Under a Federal Contract [12] greater than $35,000
- Certifications Under a Federal Grant [13] greater than $150,000
Related Articles
- CU Marketplace: Purchase Requisition [18]
- CU Marketplace: Approving Requisitions [19]
- CU Marketplace: Add a Ship-To Address to Your Profile [20]
Policies and Procedures
- Fiscal Code of Ethics [22]
- Procurement Code of Ethics [8]
- University of Colorado Procurement Rules [23]
- Payment Voucher/Authorization [24]
- CU Fiscal Procedures [25]