Incident Procedure [1]
Work Related Injury or Illness
Colorado law requires, “If you are injured on the job, notify your employer as soon as you are able, and report your injury to your employer in writing within 10 days after the injury. If you do not report your injury promptly, you may still pursue a claim.”
Timely completion and submission of a claim form to University Risk Management and a copy handed to your supervisor will suffice for notice.
Supported browsers are the following for submitting an Injury Report:
- Google Chrome (preferred) - Apple Safari - Microsoft Edge
Employee's Injury Report Form [2]
Get appropriate medical treatment as follows:
- For an EMERGENCY call 911 or go to the closest urgent care facility or emergency room.
- For a non-emergency or any follow-up medical care, you must seek treatment with a Designated Medical Provider (DMP) [3].
- Establish contact with your supervisor or faculty sponsor/designee to:
- Ensure they are aware of your injury/illness.
- Report any time you have lost work because of the injury/illness.
- Bring any medical reports you receive to these contacts so they have verification of your ability to return to work.
- Follow instructions from the DMP regarding medications, restrictions and treatment.
- Attend all medical appointments. If you have medical questions, discuss them with the DMP.
- The assigned adjuster may or may not contact you regarding your claim. If you have additional questions or concerns contact the URM main office at 303-860-5682 or toll free at 888-812-9601.
Needlestick or Body Fluid Exposure
If you have had a needlestick or body fluid exposure, there may be coverage under workers’ compensation. Please find your campus below and follow the outlined procedures for that campus and file a claim.
Needlestick or Body Fluid Exposure Report Form [4]
University of Colorado at Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus
Faculty, staff, paid student workers, residents, fellows, students in University of Colorado internships, clinical rotations or practicum and dental clinic students should seek immediate medical attention at the clinical facility where the work-related incident occurs. Please visit the following clinics if during business hours. If the incident occurs after hours, you may visit the emergency department.
Anschutz Medical Campus and University of Colorado Hospital
Non-emergent and/or Follow-up Care can be completed at a Designated Medical Provider (DMP [5])
Emergency Medical Treatment: University of Colorado Hospital | Inpatient Pavilion 2
12505 E. 16th Avenue, First Floor, Aurora, CO 80045
AMC and UCH Needlestick and Body Fluid Exposure Process [6] [PDF]
Denver Health
Center for Occupational Safety and Health
605 Bannock Street, Pavillion L, 7th Floor
7 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
Denver Health Needlestick and Body Fluid Exposure Process [7] [PDF]
Children’s Hospital Colorado
Occupational Health Services
13123 East 16th Ave., B260
7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday
Children's Hospital Needlestick and Body Fluid Exposure Process [8] [PDF]
VA Medical Center
Occupational Health
1700 N Wheeling St.
8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday
VA Medical Center Needlestick and Body Fluid Exposure Process [9] [PDF]
Memorial Hospital
Occupational Health
719-365-6840 or 719-365-5560
Printers Park Medical Plaza
175 S. Union Blvd., Suite 315,
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
Memorial Hospital Needlestick and Body Fluid Exposure Process [10] [PDF]
Other off-campus hospitals, clinics or laboratories
Follow the facility’s Bloodborne Pathogen Policy for initial handling of exposures and source patient testing.
Fort Collins Regional Medical Campus
University of Colorado School of Medicine at Colorado State University
CU School of Medicine at CSU Needlestick and Body Fluid Exposure Policy [11]
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder Community Health Foothills Hospital
4747 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, CO 80303
UCB Needlestick and Body Fluid Exposure Process [12] [PDF]
- In case of life- or limb-threatening emergency call 9-1-1 or go immediately to the nearest emergent or urgent care facility.
- After you have received emergency care, you must follow up with one of the designated medical provider’s (DMP) [3].
- If you have not already, file a claim with University Risk Management.
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Memorial Hospital
Occupational Health
719-365-6840 or 719-365-5560
Printers Park Medical Plaza
175 S. Union Blvd., Suite 315,
7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
Needlestick and Body Fluid Exposure Process [13] [PDF]
- In case of life- or limb-threatening emergency call 911 or go immediately to the nearest emergent or urgent care facility.
- After you have received emergency care, you must follow up with one of the designated medical provider’s (DMP) [3].
- If you have not already, file a claim with University Risk Management.
Please request that all billings from any emergency care or medical providers be sent directly to URM to review. If you receive any bills directly from a provider, DO NOT DISREGARD THEM, forward to URM directly by email, mail or fax.
University Risk Management
1800 Grant St. Suite 700
Denver, CO 80203
Fax: 303-860-5680
Email: [14]