Jonathan Moore
IT Manager
I&S Business Services

Why did you initially apply to work at CU?

Originally, I took a temporary position. Once here, I liked the people that I worked with, I liked the challenge that the job presented, and I liked the pace of the work. So when the position became available as a permanent position, I applied for it and, luckily, got it.

What makes CU a great place to work?

I would have to say the general benefits, very generous vacation and sick time, plus 10 holidays. In addition, I have been able to take advantage of some terrific training opportunities, classes that will not just help me in my professional life, but ones that have served me well in my personal life.

CU recognizes the importance of a healthy work/life balance and provides resources to help employees find that balance, which is great. The free bus pass in nice, too.

What is your favorite aspect of working at CU?

I think mostly the people.  They enjoy coming to work, and they appreciate your contribution to the university’s goals. In my department, the management recognizes everyone’s efforts.

In Facilities Management, there are also a lot of people with different expertise, experiences and knowledge, and it’s very interesting to get to talk with them about what they do. It’s very different from other jobs where everyone is in the same or a similar field.

What is the best part of your workday?

I enjoy it when someone comes to me with a computer problem or question and I get to figure it out. I enjoy problem solving, and it’s especially nice when I learn something in the process as well.

What do you enjoy most about living in Colorado?

Living in Boulder, I love the fact that I can walk out my door and be hiking in the foothills within minutes.

Also, the weather here is terrific. We get all the seasons, but they are never too severe, so I get to bike to work most days.

What is your favorite campus/neighborhood location?

I like the old part of main campus, up around Macky Auditorium and Old Main.

What is your favorite area restaurant?

Probably Basta, which is right near where I work, but its only open for lunch on Fridays.

What do you enjoy doing on your spare time?

Reading, cooking, playing cribbage and gardening.