Kids are especially vulnerable to cybercrime, including identity theft, because they are more likely to share personal information online. Teach your family good security behavior for keeping computer devices secured and personal information private. 

Talk openly with your kids

Start the conversations early to prepare your kids against the threats of using the Internet. Teach them the whys and whats to keeping information private online and how to recognize suspicious behavior. Check out the websites listed on this page for online educational games that may enhancement your conversations.

Configure security settings together

Establish good security behaviors by teaching your kids about the privacy and security settings on their favorite websites and applications.

Control and monitor online activities

Kids are able to do things online that may lead to trouble. Implement online parental controls to help prevent access to unsuitable content; use the same social networks you kids are using; and keep their computer in a central location.

Understand the risks of internet-connected toys

Toys that connect to internet may have the ability to track your kids’ movements and habits. If weak security measures are in place, connected toys with video/audio capabilities may allow cybercriminals to spy on your family. Before purchasing a connected toy, consider only those from reputable manufacturers and conduct research to learn about any privacy or security concerns.

Keep devices and applications secure

Change default passwords on all computer devices, including internet-connected toys. Ensure applications are kept up-to-date.

Be a good role model

Kids learn by watching and imitating their parents. 

Visit these reputable websites for more information: