The Office of Information Security supports the various departments at CU that perform internal investigations. This support comes in the form of staff time, expertise, tools and processes that aid the department in
Individual offerings under this service:
- Data collection and delivery
- OIS responds to requests from select departments to assist in the collection of data to support internal investigations. This includes extracting mailboxes from email servers, making forensically sound images of computers and mobile devices, collecting log data from IT systems and other forms of data.
- Data analysis and reporting (for select situations)
- While much of the investigation support work is focused on delivering data to the investigating department, OIS assists with analysis of the data in cases where specialized skills and knowledge may be needed.
How is CU better through this service?
Providing centralized investivgation support services for CU helps to ensure that data is collected in a consistent, professional manner that meets the integrity needs of the investigations. OIS is able to provide staff who are trained and certified in forensic processes and tools. This high level of service reinforces the integrity of the internal investigation processes at CU.
Who can use the service?
OIS provides investigation support services to the following list of departments that perform official, internal investigations. If you need investigation assistance, please work through one of these departments rather than contacting OIS directly.
- Legal Counsel
- Internal Audit
- Office of University Controller - Fiscal Compliance
- Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance
- Office of Research Integrity
- Employee Services (System)
- Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution
What does it cost me?
Some of the departments listed above provide resources to OIS for staffing and/or technology to support their investigation needs. If your department is working through one of these groups, OIS does not generally charge your department for time spent on investigation support. However, extreme situations, like very large data acquisitions, may require reimbursement for direct costs associated with investigation support (e.g. the purchase of additional storage hardware).
Where do I go to get started with this service?
If you are not representing one of the departments listed above, please reach out to the appropriate department to begin an investigation. If you are part of one of these departments, please reach out to to begin the process of supporting your investigation.