| eComm is comprised of three different applications with three separate login pages and passwords.
Want to learn the eComm suite of tools? Find out where to find complete new user training for Salesforce, Marketing Cloud and Cvent. We encourage you to pause the videos periodically and allow yourself time to put the material into practice.
Use Marketing Cloud Content Builder to create dynamic content to deliver a targeted message to an audience while remaining efficient. Dynamic content lets you connect attributes of your audience to content, making the information your constituents receive more relevant.
Walk through the materials below to build your knowledge of how eComm approaches CAN-SPAM, the federal law that pertain to you as a communicator of CU. Confirm you understand the basics with a quick quiz.
If you need to send communications to internal audiences (faculty, staff or students) you'll want it delivered to their campus email addresses (eg;,, or, To do so, you'll need to send to a Data Extension. Your eComm specialist will create the Data Extension but it's the sender's responsibility to re'Start' it before each send.
This resource is designed for eComm specialists who are responsible for submitting provisioning and deprovisioning requests for their campus. Learn how to submit requests while being mindful of important deadlines and details that affect the user experience.
Most communicators agree that email personalization leads to higher engagement rates among constituents. But what happens when first name personalization goes awry and we end up alienating the exact audience with whom we want to engage?
Ready to elevate your constituent's experience with your email? Consider using an attribute (such as preferred name) to personalize your communication.
After ensuring that preferred name personalization is possible given your population, Reports and Data Extensions need to be created (or updated) by an eComm specialist to contain the appropriate preferred name field in Salesforce.
Although CU communicators engage with over 1.5 million contacts through Salesforce and Marketing Cloud, each contact represents an important member of the CU family. Contacts have their own interests, relationships with CU, and email preferences. Let your constituents know that they are important and recognized by using first name or salutation personalization tags in your email.
