April eComm Update

To ensure CU remains compliant with federal CAN SPAM legislation, email preference data will be migrated from Harris Connect to Salesforce. However, all other data and content (such as queries, content, images, reports, etc.) that are tied to Harris Connect's tools will NOT be migrated.
If you would like to archive emails and/or forms that you've built, please visit our Harris Archive Project (HAP) page for how-to guides.
We encourage you to start thinking about this process so you are prepared for a smooth transition from Harris Connect to Salesforce. We're here to help. Please reach out to your eComm specialist if you have questions or need additional support.
Save the date!
July 21-23, location TBD
Join your fellow eComm users and receive hands-on training for eComm Salesforce tools (Salesforce CRM), ExactTarget (email marketing), event registration and alumni online community.
It's important to note that you must receive training before access can be granted to Salesforce.
eComm users will receive a special invitation in April.
APRIL 28, 2015: eComm Virtual Town Hall. Registration opens April 14
MAY 26, 2015: User Acceptance Testing
JULY 21-23, 2015: User Training
AUG 5, 2015: Alumni Online Community launch
AUG. 7, 2015: Ability to send emails and create forms that require payments in Harris Connect will be turned off. Data will already be migrated and this ensures CAN SPAM compliance.
AUG. 7 - NOV. 18: Harris users will be able to login and archive content. During that time, all functionality will be available except for the ability to send emails and create new forms that require payment.
Virtual Town Hall
The next eComm Virtual Town Hall will be on Tuesday, April 28 at 2 pm. Your eComm team will provide a project update, give you a peek at the alumni online community, discuss training opportunities, and review Harris sun-setting milestones. Registration will open on April 14.
Did you miss February's Town Hall? The presentation and FAQs are available atcu.edu/ecomm/ecomm-implementation-2015.
Salesforce User Conferences
Interested in learning more? Connections, the ExactTarget user conference is June 16-18 in New York. Registration information is not yet available. Check the eComm website for updates.
Dreamforce '15, the Salesforce user conference is Sept. 15-18 in San Francisco.
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