You might be able to find what you are looking for by starting with our wiki index with a tab devoted to each application within our suite of tools. Submit a ticket (below) and someone will contact you soon.

Email or Event Requests

New Email or Event Request

If you are requesting to have an email sent or event launched that's new, submit the request via the build for me form(s) below. These request forms outline all the details we need to get started. 

Repeat Email or Event Request

If you have worked with eComm before on an email or an event and have now have a similiar request, it can save time to clone and update. Rather than submitting one of the forms above intended for brand new requests, provide details below and someone will reach out to you soon.

Only select 'Yes' if numerous users are experiencing eComm application outages or severely degraded services.
Please only select a deadline within 24-48 hours for urgent requests. We ask for two weeks to deliver new audiences for Marketing Cloud communications and three days to approve a Cvent event.

Wiki Resources


  • New users know they can log in to Marketing Cloud because they will receive login credentials and instructions (around the 5th of the month). The Marketing Cloud login migrated to single sign-on (SSO) on Jan. 29, 2025, so please ensure you are using the correct, new link.

SENDING ISSUE | Unable to Send Email or Failed Send, Data Extension Error or Equal to 0

RECEIVING ISSUE | Someone Not Getting Message


Unlock Account, Reset Password & Troubleshoot Multi-Factor Authentication

  • eComm specialists have access to help manage a user's account if they are struggling to login (by unlocking their account or resetting their password) or lost their multi-factor authentication method (by revoking their method or providing a temporary code). 

Unable to Access this Resource


Internal Server Error

  • There are two different ways to get around the 'Internal Server Error': 
    • Refresh | Sometimes the page just doesn't load correctly the first time. Refresh the page to give Marketing Cloud a second chance to getit right.  
    • Switch Browsers | Safari & Marketing Cloud do not work together. Instead try a Chrome or FireFox browser.



Unable to Close Pop-Up

  • If your screen is too small for this pop-up, selecting Close might not seem to work. Try:
    • zooming out | zoom out of the page by selecting into the magnifying glass in the URL bar >> negative (CTRL+- also works)  
    • close | close the  pop-up window


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Wiki Resources

Einstein Overview

  • eComm users can request that Einstein be enabled. Provide the name of the business unit (s) you wish to have Einstein in the spreadsheet (along with some other details), and it will be enabled within two weeks. There is no need to submit the ticket below. Once activated, Einstein requires 72 hours to calibrate and will then analyze the last 90 days of activity.
    • Note, Einstein is also a Salesforce add-on but it is not currently available for eComm.

Wiki Resources

Request New/Updated Audience

  • Request to have an audience added to your account by submitting a ticket with the following details:
    • Report or Data Extension?
    • Your Business Unit Name | Found in the top-right corner when logged into Marketing Cloud
    • Audience Description
    • Commercial or Transactional?
      • If Commercial, what Email Preference should be used?

Create Audiences (eComm Specialists)

Wiki Resources

Request New From Information

*From Emails will contain a 'com' after the @ symbol (see below depending on the Business Unit that is sending). When recipients reply, they will see the typical email address without 'com' after the @ symbol. 

  • Advancement, System & Boulder SAP:
  • Anschutz SAP:
  • Denver SAP:

If you're sending from an Anschutz Business Unit but sending from an @ucdenver email, use the Anschutz SAP.


Add New From Information (eComm Specialists)

Wiki Resources

Expand your Reach

eComm can provide a simple subscription form to promote in other communications or on a site to continually grow your audience.

  1. Submit Request
    1. Populate columns A-M including the Campaign URL from Step 2
    2. Submit a help ticket once complete and anticipate a 3-day turn-around.
  2. Create Subscription Campaign (eComm specialist)
  3. Launch & Test


Wiki Resources

Expand your Reach

eComm can provide a simple subscription form to promote in other communications or on a site to continually grow your audience.

  1. Submit Request
    1. Populate columns A-M including the Campaign URL from Step 2
    2. Submit a help ticket once complete and anticipate a 3-day turn-around.
  2. Create Subscription Campaign (eComm specialist)
  3. Launch & Test


Wiki Resources

Request New/Updated Audience

  • Request to have an audience added to your account by submitting a ticket with the following details:
    • Report or Data Extension?
    • Your Business Unit Name | Found in the top-right corner when logged into Marketing Cloud
    • Audience Description
    • Commercial or Transactional?
      • If Commercial, what Email Preference should be used?

Create Audiences (eComm Specialists)

Wiki Resources

HIPAA/Med-Only Contacts

Need HIPAA/Med-Only Contacts deleted from Salesforce? Submit a ticket including details - Campaign ID(s) should be populated with the relevant campaign in this Salesforce Report - which will contain those Contacts to be deleted. 


Request Contacts to Delete

  • Create a Campaign with Campaign Members of the Contacts you wish to have deleted
  • Provide the Campaign URL when submitting the ticket below.
    • Note, only Contacts in your Campaign who also meet the criteria below will be deleted:
      • They are Standard contacts (not Individual Contacts where data was not populated from a CU source system)
      • They have not unsubscribed from any communications. We keep records of contacts who have unsubscribed to avoid adding them to a future email campaign that would violate CAN-SPAM.

Wiki Resources

Individual Email Results (IERs)

Individual Email Results (IERs) can be a powerful tool to better understand your audience and how they best engage with your communications.

  • Learn more about what IERs are and how they can be leveraged.
  • Individual Email Results (IERs) live in Salesforce for 90 days before being exported and uploaded to the Snowflake database. If you need IERs that have already been archived, provide the Contact ID and/or Email ID when submitting a ticket below.

Wiki Resources

Request Subscriber Re-Activation (weekly process)

Learn About Subscribers

Wiki Resources


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Wiki Resources




  • Only the System Admin Team can add new Finance Information to Cvent. Submit the ticket below including the correct number and provide a description, formatted like the following:
    • SpeedType = 12345678 - Short Description/Title
      • Fund 10, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36 speedtypes (the two numbers after the first number in the speedtype) should not be used for Cvent events.
      • Funds 20 and 29 are most typically used in Cvent. Reach out to the campus controller accounting teams for guidance on Fund 80s as each campus has a different experience with this fund.
    • Account Code = 123456 Short Description/Title
    • Designation Code (replaced Allocation Fund # in Summer 2023) = D-1234567, Short Description/Title

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Wiki Resources


eComm Specialists

  • While the Cvent-Salesforce integration is automatic, the eComm specialist may need to get involved. This might include sharing the Campaign (if the person who created the event isn't the same person sending the Marketing Cloud messages) and/or converting a Campaign to a Data Extension (only necessary if the included audience is a Data Extension). 

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Wiki Resources


  • Reporting | Cvent's event reporting allows you to view every detail of your registration data, emails , financials and more. Create summary views and track trends over time to gauge improvement.
  • Cvent Portal | Work with your eComm specialist to make Cvent Reports available to stakeholders via a secure login. These free licenses grant individuals access to specific Reports that can be viewed in real-time, filtered and exported as needed.


eComm Specialists

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Wiki Resources


  • New users will receive login credentials and instructions via email.
  • Users can reset their own password by selecting 'Forgot your login information?' under the green login button on the Cvent login page.
  • eComm Specialists can also reset passwords for users.


  1. Navigate to the eComm login page (bookmark this page)
  2. Select Cvent (the option on the right)
  3. Login with:
  • Account Code: UCCO003
  • Username: your university email
  • Password: Select 'Forgot your login information?' under the green login button to set your password and log in for the first time. If you forget your password in the future, use the 'Forgot your login information?' link to reset it.


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Wiki Resources

Cvent Add-Ons for Purchase

More robust components of Cvent exist that are not included with a typical license. Since Cvent is already an approved vendor, you can contract directly with them to procure additional products, such as:

Interested in chatting to Cvent about purchasing one of the above add-on products? Submit the ticket below (include the names of everyone to be included in the conversation) and we will get you in touch with them.

After signing a contract, you'll need to submit the ticket below for increased access (a task Cvent Help & Support cannot do). Provide a copy of the signed contract and outline which add-ons should be available to which users.

Wiki Resources

Opt a Constituent In or Out

Update a Users Business Unit Access

Changes/New Email Preferences (Quarterly)

Changes to Business Units (One-Off Requests)

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Wiki Resources

Opt a Constituent In or Out

Update a Users Business Unit Access

Changes/New Email Preferences (Quarterly)

Changes to Business Units (One-Off Requests)

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Wiki Resources

Journey Builder

  • Complete the Journey Planning Worksheet to the best of your ability. This document will help you in the brainstorming process but don’t worry about completing it in its entirety before submitting a ticket. Include your Journey Planning Worksheet in your ticket submission. After submitting your ticket (including the Journey Planning Worksheet), we'll be in contact with you to schedule some time to talk about your email journey idea and outline the next steps. 

Dynamic Content

Automation Studio

  • Many communicators send recurring communications to the same audience. While that's a good thing, it can lead to a lot of repetitive manual work that can be streamlined with Automation Studio. Learn more about setting up your own automations to optimize scheduling recurring email sends.
  • Marketing Cloud senders are required to re-Start Data Extensions before each send to ensure the audience is up-to-date (and CAN-SPAM compliant). If an automation is configured to run all the Data Extensions in a Business Unit nightly, manually re-starting the Data Extensions before each send becomes obsolete. To make this move, eComm specialists can work with the System office to initially configure an automation in each Business Unit and learn to maintain. Learn how to get started with Automation Studio.

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Wiki Resources

  • New users know they can login to Salesforce because they will receive login credentials and instructions. 
  • Your username and password will be the same username and password you use to login to your employee portal.

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Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png txt html pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx xml zip.
Please confirm that the requested speedtype is not a fund 10, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, or 36 as these should not used for Cvent events.