Need eComm Help? Start Here.
Click on the name of the tab below that matches the eComm category with which you require assistance:
Now, click the + symbol next to the category that best describes your question to view available resources.
Note that items followed by a * can only be completed with the help of your eComm Specialist.
- What is the difference between a campaign and a report?
- What is the relationship between campaigns, reports, and data extensions?
- How are campaigns connected to reports?
- Why do campaigns have such complicated names?
- How do I create a Salesforce campaign?
- How do I modify or delete a campaign?
- How do I add an individual contact to a Salesforce campaign?
- How do I add contacts to a Salesforce campaign in bulk?*
- Why can’t I see a certain campaign?
- How do I share a campaign with another user?*
- How do I share a campaign with a public group?*
- How do I view a contact?
- What is the difference between a Standard Contact and an Individual Contact?
- How do I modify information on a contact (such as the email address)?
- Why are there duplicate contact records?
- How to I merge two or more contacts?*
- How do I add a contact to a Salesforce campaign?
- What are individual email results (IERs) and how can I use them?
- How do I add contacts to Salesforce?*
- How can I match new contacts against existing contacts to avoid creating duplicates?*
- How will I know if a contact received my email?
- How does a Salesforce contact relate to a Marketing Cloud Subscriber?
- Is Salesforce GDPR compliant?
- Understanding FERPA Flags
- How would I view my Business Unit's email send data via a dashboard?
- I want a dashboard for my email sends like the one on the Salesforce homepage. How do I create one?*
- How do I view a Salesforce dashboard?
- How do I filter a Salesforce dashboard?
- How do I refresh a dashboard to be sure the data is current?
- How do I subscribe to a Salesforce dashboard?
- Why can’t I see a Salesforce dashboard?
Email Preferences
- How do constituents manage their own email preferences?
- How do I opt a contact out of all emails or specific email preferences?*
- How do I opt a contact back in to all emails or specific email preferences?*
- How do I change the name of an existing email preference?*
- How do I create a new email preference?*
- How do I respect a constituent's email preferences?
- How do eComm specialists respect a constituent's email preferences?*
Email Sends
- How are Marketing Cloud, Cvent and Salesforce integrated with one another?
- How are CU's data sources integrated with Salesforce?
- How does the Cvent-Salesforce integration work?
- How can I find my Cvent event in Salesforce?
- How can I get event guests added to Salesforce?
- How can I track event attendees to get the most out of the Cvent-Salesforce integration?
- GeoCode Sunetting in 2023
List Views
Logging In
Notifications (Chatter)
Quarterly Release Notes
- How do I build Salesforce reports?*
- What is the difference between a campaign and a report?
- What is the relationship between reports, campaigns, and data extensions?
- Why do reports have such complicated names?
- How do I request a new report?
- How do I modify an existing report?*
- What data can I use to build audience reports?
- How do I view a report?
- Reporting on Preferred Name.*
- How do I share a report with another user?*
- How do eComm specialist create Reports with CAN-SPAM compliance?*
- GeoCode Sunsetting in 2023
- How do I add a photo to my Salesforce profile?
- Why did a specific person not receive my email?
- Why can’t I see a specific campaign, report, or dashboard?
- I think I found a bug in Salesforce. What should I do?
- I requested a change to a contact’s email address and was told the change was complete, but the old value is still showing. What should I do?
- Why is a particular contact missing from my audience report?
- Why can't I send a Marketing Cloud message?
Something Else...
If our documentation couldn't answer your question, please let us know. Submit a help ticket so we can assist you.
Watch a short video if you're curious about how tickets get you the best and quickest response.
Now, click the + symbol next to the category that best describes your question to view available resources.
Note that items followed by a * can only be completed with the help of your eComm Specialist.
- What is Marketing Cloud? Where can I get an overview?
- What Marketing Cloud new user training is offered?
- Are there additional training opportunities for more advanced Marketing Cloud users?
- What is CAN-SPAM and how does it pertain to me?
- How can users avoid violating CAN-SPAM?
- 2023 Preference and Business Unit Optimization
- How can I email donors?
- How do I select my audience?
- How do I exclude an audience?
- How can I email my audience using their campus email addresses?
- Why are my audience report names so complicated?
- Can I use the recipient's preferred name when communicating with my audience?
- How do I add a new audience for my communications?*
Canceling an Email
Checklists & Quick Guides
Data Extensions
- What is a data extension?
- What is the relationship between data extensions, reports, and campaigns?
- How do I build a data extension?*
- Data Extension Creation 1-Pager*
- How do I import/refresh a data extension?
- Can I import CSV data into a data extension?*
- How do I delete a data extension?
- How do I recover a deleted data extension?
- Can the preferred name be included in a Data Extension for personalization?*
Dynamic Content
- What is Einstein in Marketing Cloud?
- Is artificial intelligence (AI) available to increase engagement with my emails?
- As of Oct. 2022, eComm users can request Einstein to be enabled. Provide the name of the Business Unit(s) you wish to have Einstein in the spreadsheet (along with some other details) and it will be enabled by the following Monday.
Email Content
- How can I create an “add to calendar” link in an email?
- Where can I access CU-branded templates?
- How do I save an email as a template?
- How do I share an email?*
- How do I create compelling content?
- How do I use templates I've created to build an email?
- How do I paste an HTML email?
- How do I use an HTML button?
- How can I check if my email will likely be caught in SPAM filters?
Email From Information
Journey Builder
Login and Password Help
- How can I add personalization (from Salesforce) to my Marketing Cloud email?
- How can I test or preview personalization in my email to ensure I did it correctly?
- How can I add other personalized information (from outside of Salesforce) to my Marketing Cloud email?*
- Preferred Name Rollout for eComm Specialists.*
- How do I use Discover Reports in Marketing Cloud?
- How do I use the Audience Engagement Over Time report?
- How do I use the Best Performing Send Day report?
- How do I use the Deliverability - Complaint Rate report?
- How do I use the Device Performance by Email Sends and Email Performance by Device reports?
- How do I use the Recent Email Send Summary report?
- How do I use the Time Between Send and Engagement report?
- How do I Report on a preferred name?
Send/Schedule an Email
- How do I send an email? (Guided Send or Salesforce Send Email options)
- Where can I view/cancel my scheduled email?
- What is the relationship between campaigns, reports, and data extensions?
- Why do I need an email footer and what should be in it?
- What is throttling and how do I do it?
- What should I consider when scheduling an email?
- How can I check if my email will likely be caught in SPAM filters?
Share Email or Assets
Subject Lines and Preheaders
Subscribers in Marketing Cloud
Tracking and Reporting
- My message ended up in a spam folder. How can I prevent this?
- How do I fix a broken link in an email I already sent?
- Are there checklists that can help me do my job better?
- With what browsers is Marketing Cloud compatible?
- Why didn’t a contact receive my email?
- Why can't I send emails from Marketing Cloud?
- I can’t see the audience list I’m sending to. What should I do?
Something Else...
If our documentation couldn't answer your question, please let us know. Submit a help ticket so we can assist you.
Watch a short video if you're curious about how tickets get you the best and quickest response.
Now, click the + symbol next to the category that best describes your question to view available resources.
Note that items followed by a * can only be completed with the help of your eComm Specialist. Additionally, some of the links below require that you are logged into Cvent to access their help and resources.
Abstract Management
Add-Ons (Abstract Mgmt., Attendee Hub, etc)
Approval and Launch
Attendee Hub
Checklists & Quick Guides
All checklists & quick guides.
- Plan
- Test
- Event Approval & Launch
- Fundraising Events
Classic Sunset
Email Communication
- How can I communicate with past attendees?
- How do I send event and session emails?
- How can I ensure an email was sent and delivered?
- Why wasn't an email delivered?
- If I’m sending an event reminder in Marketing Cloud, how do I exclude people who have already registered?
Email Policies
- How do I send an event invitation through Cvent?
- What event emails are sent through Cvent?
- What is the difference between commercial and transactional communication?
- Does my Cvent email need to have an unsubscribe option?
- Do my Cvent emails need to contain the Cvent footer and privacy policy?
- If a contact is opted out in Cvent, can I opt them back in?
Email Setup
Event Participants
- What are the different ways to record event participation?
- Why should I bother recording event participation?
- How can I use event participation data?
- How do I access event participation data?
- How do I record event participation data?
- How do I view event participation in Salesforce?
- How can I communicate with past attendees?
Event Preparation
Financial Information
- What account code should I use?
- What speedtype should I use?
- What designation code should I use?
- How do I get an account code, speedtype, or designation code added to Cvent?*
- How do I issue a refund?
- What is PCI compliance?
- How can I accept credit card information outside Cvent?
- What are Cvent’s credit card fees?
- How do I create a fundraising event?
- What test credit card numbers can I use?
Invitation Forwarding
Logging in and Password Help
On-Site Tools and Support
Paid Event
- What account code should I use?
- What speedtype should I use?
- What designation code should I use?
- How do I get an account code, speedtype, or designation code added to Cvent?*
- How do I issue a refund?
- What is PCI compliance?
- How can I accept credit card information outside Cvent?
- What are Cvent’s credit card fees?
- How do I create a fundraising event?
- What test credit card numbers can I use?
Portal (for Reports)
Promote Event
Registration Types
- How do I run Reports for my event?
- What is the portal and how do I get Reports published to it?*
- How can a stakeholder get access to view Cvent reports in real time?*
- How do I create a report of events created by one user?*
- How can I leverage the data available in Cvent to show my event was successful?
Something Else...
If our documentation couldn't answer your question, please let us know. Submit a help ticket so we can assist you.
Watch a short video if you're curious about how tickets get you the best and quickest response.
Now, click the + symbol next to the category that best describes your question to view available resources.
Business Units and Marketing Cloud Permissions
- How do I grant access to a business unit or unit?
- How do I view a user’s permissions?
- How do I change a user's permissions?
- What roles and permissions should a user have?
- What roles and permissions should an eComm Specialist have?
- How do I integrate a user with Salesforce?
- How do I request a new business unit?
Checklists & Quick Guides
- How do I approve an event?
- Is there a checklist I should use when approving an event?
- How do I add a new contact type?
- How do I add a new event planner email address?
- How do I get an account code, speedtype, or designation code added to Cvent?
- How do I reset a user's password?
- What is the Cvent Portal for Reports?
- How do I manage Reports in the Cvent Portal?
- How do I create a test user?
- Can Cvent be integrated with other platforms not supported by eComm?
Data Extensions
- How do I build a data extension?
- Data Extension 1-pager
- Can I import CSV data into a data extension?
- How do I unarchive data extensions? (see blue box under eComm Specialist Impacts & Training)
Email Preferences
- What steps are involved in the onboarding process?
- How do I know if a user is a good candidate for an eComm license?
- How do I know what requests are in the queue to be addressed next month?
- How can I check who passed the required post-training quiz?
- What tasks need to be completed if a new user is joining an existing group?
Password Resets & Permissions
- Marketing Cloud
- What access should a Marketing Cloud User have?
- How do I reset a user's password or help them with multi-factor authentication (MFA)?
- How do I grant access to a business unit or unit?
- How do I view a user’s permissions?
- How do I change a user's permissions?
- How do I integrate a user with Salesforce?
- Cvent
- General
Public Groups
Release Notes
Sender Profiles, Delivery Profiles, and Send Classifications
- All Users
- New Users
- Marketing Cloud
- Cvent
- Salesforce