Need eComm Help? Start Here. [1]
Click on the name of the tab below that matches the eComm category with which you require assistance:
Now, click the + symbol next to the category that best describes your question to view available resources.
Note that items followed by a * can only be completed with the help of your eComm Specialist [3].
- What is the difference between a campaign and a report? [8]
- What is the relationship between campaigns, reports, and data extensions? [9]
- How are campaigns connected to reports? [8]
- Why do campaigns have such complicated names? [10]
- How do I create a Salesforce campaign? [11]
- How do I modify or delete a campaign? [12]
- How do I add an individual contact to a Salesforce campaign? [11]
- How do I add contacts to a Salesforce campaign in bulk? [13]*
- Why can’t I see a certain campaign? [14]
- How do I share a campaign with another user? [14]*
- How do I share a campaign with a public group? [14]*
- How do I view a contact? [16]
- What is the difference between a Standard Contact and an Individual Contact? [17]
- How do I modify information on a contact (such as the email address)? [18]
- Why are there duplicate contact records? [19]
- How to I merge two or more contacts? [19]*
- How do I add a contact to a Salesforce campaign? [11]
- What are individual email results (IERs) and how can I use them? [20]
- How do I add contacts to Salesforce? [21]*
- How can I match new contacts against existing contacts to avoid creating duplicates? [13]*
- How will I know if a contact received my email? [20]
- How does a Salesforce contact relate to a Marketing Cloud Subscriber? [22]
- Is Salesforce GDPR compliant? [23]
- Understanding FERPA Flags [24]
- What is eComm's data model? [25]
- What contacts exist in Salesforce? [25]
- Does Salesforce integrate with other CU data sources? [25]
- Is there an Entity Relationship Diagram(ERD)? [26]
- Is there a data dictionary? [27]
- Understanding FERPA Flags [24]
- Understanding Preferred Name [28]
- GeoCode Sunetting in 2023 [29]
- How would I view my Business Unit's email send data via a dashboard? [30]
- I want a dashboard for my email sends like the one on the Salesforce homepage. How do I create one? [31]*
- How do I view a Salesforce dashboard? [30]
- How do I filter a Salesforce dashboard? [30]
- How do I refresh a dashboard to be sure the data is current? [30]
- How do I subscribe to a Salesforce dashboard? [30]
- Why can’t I see a Salesforce dashboard? [14]
Email Preferences
- How do constituents manage their own email preferences? [32]
- How do I opt a contact out of all emails or specific email preferences? [33]*
- How do I opt a contact back in to all emails or specific email preferences? [33]*
- How do I change the name of an existing email preference? [34]*
- How do I create a new email preference? [34]*
- How do I respect a constituent's email preferences? [35]
- How do eComm specialists respect a constituent's email preferences? [36]*
Email Sends
- How are Marketing Cloud, Cvent and Salesforce integrated with one another? [25]
- How are CU's data sources integrated with Salesforce? [25]
- How does the Cvent-Salesforce integration work? [40]
- How can I find my Cvent event in Salesforce? [40]
- How can I get event guests added to Salesforce? [41]
- How can I track event attendees to get the most out of the Cvent-Salesforce integration? [42]
- GeoCode Sunetting in 2023 [29]
List Views
Logging In
Notifications (Chatter)
Quarterly Release Notes
- How do I build Salesforce reports? [46]*
- What is the difference between a campaign and a report? [8]
- What is the relationship between reports, campaigns, and data extensions? [9]
- Why do reports have such complicated names? [10]
- How do I request a new report? [47]
- How do I modify an existing report? [46]*
- What data can I use to build audience reports? [48]
- How do I view a report? [49]
- Reporting on Preferred Name.* [50]
- How do I share a report with another user? [14]*
- How do eComm specialist create Reports with CAN-SPAM compliance? [36]*
- GeoCode Sunsetting in 2023 [29]
- How do I add a photo to my Salesforce profile? [52]
- Why did a specific person not receive my email? [53]
- Why can’t I see a specific campaign, report, or dashboard? [14]
- I think I found a bug in Salesforce. What should I do? [54]
- I requested a change to a contact’s email address and was told the change was complete, but the old value is still showing. What should I do? [18]
- Why is a particular contact missing from my audience report? [55]
- Why can't I send a Marketing Cloud message? [56]
Something Else...
If our documentation couldn't answer your question, please let us know. Submit a help ticket [59] so we can assist you.
Watch a short video [60] if you're curious about how tickets get you the best and quickest response.
Now, click the + symbol next to the category that best describes your question to view available resources.
Note that items followed by a * can only be completed with the help of your eComm Specialist [3].
- What is Marketing Cloud? Where can I get an overview? [4]
- What Marketing Cloud new user training is offered? [61]
- Are there additional training opportunities for more advanced Marketing Cloud users? [62]
- What is CAN-SPAM and how does it pertain to me? [63]
- How can users avoid violating CAN-SPAM? [35]
- 2023 Preference and Business Unit Optimization [7]
- How can I email donors? [66]
- How do I select my audience? [67]
- How do I exclude an audience? [68]
- How can I email my audience using their campus email addresses? [69]
- Why are my audience report names so complicated? [10]
- Can I use the recipient's preferred name when communicating with my audience? [28]
- How do I add a new audience for my communications? [47]*
Canceling an Email
Checklists & Quick Guides
All checklists & quick guides [77].
- Plan
- Test
- Audience & Sending
- For eComm Specialists
- Creating Data Extensions [85]*
Data Extensions
- What is a data extension? [69]
- What is the relationship between data extensions, reports, and campaigns? [9]
- How do I build a data extension? [69]*
- Data Extension Creation 1-Pager [86]*
- How do I import/refresh a data extension? [69]
- Can I import CSV data into a data extension? [87]*
- How do I delete a data extension? [88]
- How do I recover a deleted data extension? [88]
- Can the preferred name be included in a Data Extension for personalization?* [50]
Dynamic Content
- What is Einstein in Marketing Cloud? [90]
- Is artificial intelligence (AI) available to increase engagement with my emails? [90]
- As of Oct. 2022, eComm users can request Einstein to be enabled. Provide the name of the Business Unit(s) you wish to have Einstein in the spreadsheet [91] (along with some other details) and it will be enabled by the following Monday.
Email Content
- How can I create an “add to calendar” link in an email? [92]
- Where can I access CU-branded templates? [93]
- How do I save an email as a template? [94]
- How do I share an email? [95]*
- How do I create compelling content? [96]
- How do I use templates I've created to build an email? [97]
- How do I paste an HTML email? [98]
- How do I use an HTML button? [98]
- How can I check if my email will likely be caught in SPAM filters? [76]
Email From Information
Journey Builder
Login and Password Help
- How do I change my password? [44]
- What is my username? [104]
- How can I add personalization (from Salesforce) to my Marketing Cloud email? [28]
- How can I test or preview personalization in my email to ensure I did it correctly? [107]
- How can I add other personalized information (from outside of Salesforce) to my Marketing Cloud email? [108]*
- Preferred Name Rollout for eComm Specialists. [50]*
- How do I use Discover Reports in Marketing Cloud? [109]
- How do I use the Audience Engagement Over Time report? [110]
- How do I use the Best Performing Send Day report? [111]
- How do I use the Deliverability - Complaint Rate report? [112]
- How do I use the Device Performance by Email Sends and Email Performance by Device reports? [113]
- How do I use the Recent Email Send Summary report? [114]
- How do I use the Time Between Send and Engagement report? [115]
- How do I Report on a preferred name? [50]
Send/Schedule an Email
- How do I send an email? [82] (Guided Send or Salesforce Send Email options)
- Where can I view/cancel my scheduled email? [116]
- What is the relationship between campaigns, reports, and data extensions? [9]
- Why do I need an email footer and what should be in it? [117]
- What is throttling and how do I do it? [118]
- What should I consider when scheduling an email? [119]
- How can I check if my email will likely be caught in SPAM filters? [76]
Share Email or Assets
Subject Lines and Preheaders
Subscribers in Marketing Cloud
Tracking and Reporting
- My message ended up in a spam folder. How can I prevent this? [76]
- How do I fix a broken link in an email I already sent? [138]
- Are there checklists that can help me do my job better? [139]
- With what browsers is Marketing Cloud compatible? [140]
- Why didn’t a contact receive my email? [53]
- Why can't I send emails from Marketing Cloud? [56]
- I can’t see the audience list I’m sending to. What should I do? [14]
Something Else...
If our documentation couldn't answer your question, please let us know. Submit a help ticket [59] so we can assist you.
Watch a short video [60] if you're curious about how tickets get you the best and quickest response.
Now, click the + symbol next to the category that best describes your question to view available resources.
Note that items followed by a * can only be completed with the help of your eComm Specialist [3]. Additionally, some of the links below require that you are logged into Cvent to access their help and resources.
Abstract Management
Add-Ons (Abstract Mgmt., Attendee Hub, etc)
Approval and Launch
Attendee Hub
Checklists & Quick Guides
All checklists & quick guides. [77]
- Plan
- Cvent Build Checklist [154]
- Event Strategy Checklist [155]
- Test
- Event Approval & Launch
- Fundraising Events
Classic Sunset
Email Communication
- How can I communicate with past attendees? [165]
- How do I send event and session emails? [166]
- How can I ensure an email was sent and delivered? [167]
- Why wasn't an email delivered? [167]
- If I’m sending an event reminder in Marketing Cloud, how do I exclude people who have already registered? [168]
Email Policies
- How do I send an event invitation through Cvent? [169]
- What event emails are sent through Cvent? [169]
- What is the difference between commercial and transactional communication? [170]
- Does my Cvent email need to have an unsubscribe option? [170]
- Do my Cvent emails need to contain the Cvent footer and privacy policy? [171]
- If a contact is opted out in Cvent, can I opt them back in? [167]
Email Setup
Event Participants
- What are the different ways to record event participation? [173]
- Why should I bother recording event participation? [174]
- How can I use event participation data? [174]
- How do I access event participation data? [175]
- How do I record event participation data? [176]
- How do I view event participation in Salesforce? [177]
- How can I communicate with past attendees? [165]
Event Preparation
Financial Information
- What account code should I use? [181]
- What speedtype should I use? [181]
- What designation code should I use? [161]
- How do I get an account code, speedtype, or designation code added to Cvent? [47]*
- How do I issue a refund? [182]
- What is PCI compliance? [183]
- How can I accept credit card information outside Cvent? [183]
- What are Cvent’s credit card fees? [184]
- How do I create a fundraising event? [161]
- What test credit card numbers can I use? [185]
- How does the Cvent-Salesforce integration work? [40]
- How can I find my Cvent event in Salesforce? [40]
- How can I get event guests added to Salesforce? [41]
- How can I track event attendees to get the most out of the Cvent-Salesforce integration? [42]
- Can I integrate Cvent with other platforms not supported by eComm? [190]
Invitation Forwarding
Logging in and Password Help
- What is our Cvent account name? [104]
- What is my username? [104]
- How do I reset my password? [104]
On-Site Tools and Support
Paid Event
- What account code should I use? [181]
- What speedtype should I use? [181]
- What designation code should I use? [161]
- How do I get an account code, speedtype, or designation code added to Cvent? [47]*
- How do I issue a refund? [182]
- What is PCI compliance? [183]
- How can I accept credit card information outside Cvent? [183]
- What are Cvent’s credit card fees? [181]
- How do I create a fundraising event? [161]
- What test credit card numbers can I use? [185]
Portal (for Reports)
Promote Event
- Adding Event Questions [197]
Registration Types
- How do I run Reports for my event? [199]
- What is the portal and how do I get Reports published to it? [194]*
- How can a stakeholder get access to view Cvent reports in real time? [194]*
- How do I create a report of events created by one user? [200]*
- How can I leverage the data available in Cvent to show my event was successful? [201]
Something Else...
If our documentation couldn't answer your question, please let us know. Submit a help ticket [59] so we can assist you.
Watch a short video [60] if you're curious about how tickets get you the best and quickest response.
Now, click the + symbol next to the category that best describes your question to view available resources.
Business Units and Marketing Cloud Permissions
- How do I grant access to a business unit or unit? [215]
- How do I view a user’s permissions? [215]
- How do I change a user's permissions? [215]
- What roles and permissions should a user have? [216]
- What roles and permissions should an eComm Specialist have? [216]
- How do I integrate a user with Salesforce? [217]
- How do I request a new business unit? [218]
Checklists & Quick Guides
- How do I approve an event? [219]
- Is there a checklist I should use when approving an event? [139]
- How do I add a new contact type? [47]
- How do I add a new event planner email address? [172]
- How do I get an account code, speedtype, or designation code added to Cvent? [172]
- How do I reset a user's password? [220]
- What is the Cvent Portal for Reports? [194]
- How do I manage Reports in the Cvent Portal? [195]
- How do I create a test user? [47]
- Can Cvent be integrated with other platforms not supported by eComm? [190]
Data Extensions
- How do I build a data extension? [69]
- Data Extension 1-pager [86]
- Can I import CSV data into a data extension? [87]
- How do I unarchive data extensions? [7] (see blue box under eComm Specialist Impacts & Training)
Email Preferences
- What steps are involved in the onboarding process? [222]
- How do I know if a user is a good candidate for an eComm license? [223]
- How do I know what requests are in the queue to be addressed next month? [224]
- How can I check who passed the required post-training quiz? [224]
- What tasks need to be completed if a new user is joining an existing group? [225]
Password Resets & Permissions
- Marketing Cloud
- What access should a Marketing Cloud User have? [216]
- How do I reset a user's password or help them with multi-factor authentication (MFA)? [215]
- How do I grant access to a business unit or unit? [215]
- How do I view a user’s permissions? [215]
- How do I change a user's permissions? [215]
- How do I integrate a user with Salesforce? [217]
- Cvent
- General
Public Groups
Release Notes
- Quarterly Release Notes [145]
Sender Profiles, Delivery Profiles, and Send Classifications
- All Users
- New Users
- Marketing Cloud
- Cvent
- Salesforce