Changes to Business Units

eComm, with input from the campuses, implemented a simplified Marketing Cloud business unit and preference model across all campuses in Summer 2023 aiming to reduce costs, streamline the constituent experience, and decrease the level of backend management needed. The optimization project reduced the number of business units by 50%. eComm will still accept requests for adding/renaming/deleting business units, however, consideration will be taken to determine if a new business unit is needed or if it makes more sense to add a folder for the new unit in an existing business unit. This wiki contains a few elements to consider when requesting to add/rename/delete a business unit.

As a reminder, starting July 1, 2023, eComm will no longer accept requests for adding/renaming/deleting business units through the quarterly process. If you have an exceptional circumstance that requires adding/renaming/deleting a business unit, please review this wiki and submit a ticket.

FOR eCOMM SPECIALISTS Following approval and completion of the work you requested, you will be responsible for completing a few tasks to set your user up for success. Please refer to the Post-Approval Tasks and Post-Completion Tasks at the bottom of this wiki for more information.

When requesting a change to a business unit, you'll be asked to provide information based on the type of work you are requesting.

  • Preferred name of business unit (note the 50-character limit including the campus).
  • (CU Boulder Only) Preferred Salesforce visual force header name (i.e. CU Office of the President Communications). This is the header that contains different sets of email preferences based on college, unit, department, purpose, etc.
  • Primary email address associated with the business unit (i.e.
  • Primary email display name associated with the business unit (i.e. CU System University Relations).
  • Be sure to spellcheck all of the above.

Business Unit Contact Information

  • Names of users who should be assigned to the business unit.
  • Salesforce public group that should be associated with users of the business unit.

Additionally, you'll need to provide information about the email preferences that should be associated with the business unit. See the "Email Preferences" tab for more information.


Post-Approval Tasks

When the System eComm team has notified you that your business unit request has been approved, you will be responsible for the following:

  • No action is needed until post-completion of work. You will be notified by the System eComm Team when the work has been completed and you can move forward with completing the Post-Completion Tasks.

Post-Completion Tasks

When the System eComm team has completed processing your business unit request, they will notify you that the work is complete. You will be responsible for the following:

  • Sharing any content from other business units with the new business unit that the users will require for their communications.
  • Building send classifications, sender profiles, and delivery profiles.
  • Ensuring that the appropriate Salesforce campaigns are shared with the correct public group.
  • Ensuring that the appropriate Salesforce reports are housed in the correct report folder.
  • Rebuilding data extensions as needed if a new business unit has been created or if a user has been reassigned to the new business unit.
  • Working with your users to provide additional instructions (selecting the correct audience, understanding naming conventions, etc.).