Need an event invitation distributed and a website to collect event registrations? eComm is here to help. 

Submit the 'Build for me | Communication' form below 2+ weeks prior to your desired delivery date. Melanie Jones will contact you soon to collect additional details on your event and coordinate deadlines and responsible parties. This includes review, testing, and approval of the event invitation and event website. 

Your Information

Delivery Date

Do you also need to collect RSVP information? Instead, submit the 'Build for me | Event Request' form.

Select a date to deliver your communication. It must be at least two (2) weeks from today.

Two weeks of advance notice is required. This allows for adequate scheduling to ensure there is not an audience overlap with other emails. It also allows for time to test the email. This is all to ensure the best experience for your recipients.
Is this an event invite? Send a message to your registrants confirming their attendance.

Email Header

Example and Best Practices

Email Header Example

Recipients should be able to easily determine who emailed them based on a clear and concise from name. It can be company/department specific (e.g. "CU-Boulder Alumni Association") or individual based (e.g. "Chancellor Phil DiStefano"). In the example above we used 'CU President Bruce Benson'.

Audience Information

Describe the audience who you want to send your communication to. Be as specific as possible, such as 'CU Boulder faculty' or 'CU Denver Alumni who reside in Aurora'. If you have an excel list of your audience, attach it below.
(e.g. An Excel file with 30 individuals email addresses, or a list or Employees with Employee ID present)

Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png txt rtf html doc docx xls xlsx xml zip.
Provide email addresses (separate by commas) if you want specific individuals to receive test email(s) prior to delivery.
Image, PDF, txt.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg png bmp eps tif pict psd txt rtf html pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx xml bz2 dmg gz jar rar sit tar zip csv.