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Project Status, June 19

Current Status: Scope – Green; Timeline – Yellow


  • Team works to reconcile environments builds schedule through testing plan changes. 
  • Test Environment built and regression tested. Code and data load scheduled for 6/19. RISK: UAT begins 6/24 which leaves limited window for reconciliation of code and data errors.
  • Functional testing by eComm personnel begins next week. RISK: Regression 2, Functional, and UAT testing completing in parallel (typically, these would be done in order 1, 2, 3).
  • Provisioning planning initiated last week. Offline activities being completed by teams
  • Data integrations between systems proceed apace, with sample files exchanged by team from/for Advance​
  • Devintegration batch loads for Setup tables, Enrollment/Term, Scholarship, Education, and Affiliations is complete.
  • Deployment of objects from DevEcomm sandbox to DevIntegr complet
  • Bi-directional name, address integration design complete

Team reviewed project schedule and created short-term view (through UAT) to synch activities (more granular level, focused view than top-to-bottom project plan). Regression testing set 1 in DevINT and Test Environments COMPLETE. Unit Testing expected to complete 6/17. Regression Testing 2 in Test next week (week of 6/22), as well as Functional Testing and UAT. This does present a risk as typically UAT does not commence until after full functional and regression testing. But since this is TEST and not Prod, it is one that the project is assuming. 
Full sign off of UNIT TESTING results is in hand from client. CoE has given go-ahead to load code and data into Test, which should commence no later than 6/19. Developed XML code will be deploy to Test and errors will have to be shaken out. This presents a risk, but we hope that the first run of code shook out most errors. 
Timeline remains in yellow status for same reasons cited in previous weeks (resource constraints and aggressive timelines). But team is much more optimistic that the timeline is attainable. 

Provisioning planning is mostly occurring offline with meetings as necessary – concentration is now on “working” rather than “meeting” or “planning.” As issues surface, they are being tracked against and issues log and mitigated. We are attempting to meet as a team only when absolutely necessary. We do need to manage expectations and make sure everyone is on the same page for scope on provisioning. 

Data integrations conversations continue on bi-directional data planning across systems (MDM, Advance, SFDC, etc.). 

Primary focus this coming week:
•    Regression/functional test of Test Environment
•    UAT 
•    Mapping development for Name and Address Community fields
•    Complete Data loads to DevIntegration environment (HR and Advance Contacts, Interests, Employment, Advance Contact)
•    Integration and functional Testing in DevIntegration
•    Visual Integrators to start work on Bulk API and Advance/OSB integration work on Tuesday 6/9
•    Discussion on Test environment availability and timeline
•    Requirements analysis for eComm Phase 2.0 

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